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A third of landlords plan to sell property in 2020

More than a third of buy-to-let landlords are planning to reduce the number of homes they rent out or exit the market altogether, according to a survey of 750 landlords. 

The research by Accumulate Capital found that 37% of landlords have indicated they intend to reduce their investment in the buy-to-let market by selling at least one property this year.

Of those looking to offload property, 61% said this was in response to the increasing regulations and taxes. 


Some 72% of property investors believe existing tax and regulation measures are unfairly weighted against landlords, 63% are not considering expanding their portfolio because of reforms to the PRS that will be introduced from 6th April 2020, such as changes to mortgage interest tax relief and private residence relief.

Another drag for 69% of those surveyed was the fact that the costs of managing their property portfolios had increased “considerably” over the last five years.

More than half - 54% - added that they are prepared to sell properties if further PRS regulation is introduced in the 2020 Budget, scheduled for 11th March.

Paul Howells, CEO of Accumulate Capital, commented: “Property investors are clearly frustrated by how much red tape there now is within the private rental sector and buy-to-let market. 

“Yes, there is a need for regulatory measures to protect the interests of all parties involved in the property market, but as our research shows, some landlords feel the current system is unfairly weighted against them.

“What we might see as a result, is investors selling properties and downsizing their portfolios. Indeed, a considerable number of investors are now looking to alternative real estate investment options instead, such as development finance – these provide ways to access bricks and mortar investment opportunities without the complications or costs of actually purchasing the asset.”

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Poll: Do you plan to sell property in 2020?


  • icon

    Given that many landlords have several properties this probably means that the number of rental properties put up for sale won't be much more than the long term average. Another article pretending to give lots of data but telling us nothing useful!

  • icon
    • 23 January 2020 11:11 AM

    The fundamental reason most LL are selling up is because of the dysfunctional eviction process...

    Just one rent defaulting tenant can financially and domestically destroy a LL.
    Very few tenants qualify for RGI leaving the LL to carry the risks of a rent defaulting tenant.
    With S21 to be abolished the remaining S8 process won't work properly as there simply isn't the County Court time meaning even longer eviction periods.
    This the main reason I'm selling up.
    You need deep pockets to afford the risk of rent defaulting tenants!
    Getting rid of wrongun tenants will become difficult to say the least when S21 and the AST goes.

    None of these problems occur with lodgers though.
    Just need to live in a resi property once per month having a resi mortgage if needed.
    You can have as many residential homes as you can afford and take in lodgers.
    No S24 taxes or S21 required!


    Hi Paul
    I am selling one of my properties this year and it is becoming empty in February, so just right for the selling season.
    I think that it is a good time to sell now we have a reasonably stable government.
    I am mindful of what you said in a previous post, regarding the possibility of a Labour government next time and this 'frightens the pants off me'.
    Much higher capital gains etc plus further rent controls if they get in.
    If Kier Starmer gets in and Boris messes up, who knows what might happen in 4 years time?


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