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New petition calls for rent controls and additional home taxes

A petition urging rent caps for private tenants and hefty tax rises for second home owners has got 42,000 backers - and it’s aiming to get 50,000.

The online petition on the Change.org site says Cornwall is on the verge of a homelessness crisis, worsened by what it calls the current “second homes property frenzy.”

The county has been at the heart of the so-called ‘race for space’ as buyers from the south east and other areas of England have changed lifestyle following the pandemic.


Part of the lengthy introduction to the petition says: “Cornwall currently has more than 10,290 active Airbnb listings, yet in comparison, the housing website Rightmove had only 62 properties available to rent privately across the whole county.”

Petitioners want Cornwall’s council - won by the Conservatives at the May local elections - to: 

“Levy a higher, more stringent tax on second homes which recognises the threat they pose to local communities;

“Close the loophole which allows them to be classed as 'businesses' allowing them to tap into locally allocated funds and in some cases avoid paying council tax altogether;

“Work quickly towards outlining firm strategies to cap local rents in keeping with local incomes so that local families are not left homeless;

“Use the funds accrued from taxing second homes properly into building FIRST and ONLY affordable homes for local families.”

You can see the petition in full here.

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  • George Dawes

    Tbh they do have a point

  • icon
    • AQ
    • 23 June 2021 09:02 AM

    If you can no longer afford to live in an affluent area it's not the government's problem - move.

  • Matthew Payne

    Its what happens in a free market economy, the real issue is that the government has failed to build any affordable or social housing for over 20 years. The "not haves" raising a petition to punish the "haves" is not the solution though.

  • icon

    Affordable Social housing means free, how could you have enough of that. Nearly every night a hard luck story a lady with kids from various fathers and having more, no Daddy contribution, also showing the filthy state of the property do they not know how to clean, soap & water are not expensive just clean it.


    That's why I say NO to single mums, lazy, filthy, don't want to pay, and then they move the latest moron boy friend in.

    Theodor Cable

    And they usually keep breeding too with new kid after kid.....

  • icon

    Airb&b are also used by the locals living in the coastal towns like Cornwall- they move into the local campsites and make a killing doing holiday let’s.


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