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Bruce Haagensen
1708  Profile Views

About Me

Many years experience in Banking and then as an Estate Agent offering Sales, Lettings and Management.

my expertise in the industry

Many years experience as a letting Agent and Landlord as well as a former Rep and Trainer for the NLA in the North East. Currently working with North East Landlords Ltd. an Association set up for the benefit of all Landlords in the North East.

Bruce's Recent Activity

Bruce Haagensen
As a member of the new coalition representing North East Landlords I can assure everyone that I raised the damage that S21 abolishment is causing with our guest MP! Pointing out that MP's do not seem to realise what effect all the Legislation and abolition of S21 is having on Tenants with higher rents and a rapidly shrinking supply. Pointing out that most reports of bad properties in the Media relate to Social not PRS properties and how one of my Councils had to rehouse 78 families from their social stock due to damp! The PRS is not full of bad properties! Also explaining that many Landlords are having to sell up because of S24 and rising interest rates before their Lender forecloses, as rents do not match repayments and they are unable to carry 80% of the interest cost from income! Pointing out that they do not realise that outside the M25 Landlords do not issue S21 without reason and usually it is done so a Tenant has a chance of getting a new Tenancy whereas in future with a S8 they will have a much harder job! The Landlord will trade the rent arrears for the property back quickly. All this pressure and reform, driven by Shelter, is affecting Tenants, and as all the main parties are committed to this crazy policy when the election comes the mountain of homeless will be looking for someone who will put in their Manifesto they will give houses to English people and build social housing - like already mentioned, could that be the REFORM party? Look what has happened in The Netherlands! He did agree that most MP's do not understand the PRS and that Landlords should write to their MP explaining how they are affecting Tenants, rather than Landlords as that is more likely to be successful! So why not invite your local MP's to Local Landlord meetings so they can understand much better what they will achieve and make it known if they decline! I recently invited 8 of which 1 was busy and not interested in future events and 1 apologised and would like to come in the future. The remaining 6 4 Labour and 2 Tory, have just ignored the invitation which is not totally unexpected!!

From: Bruce Haagensen 27 November 2023 09:24 AM

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