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Zoe S
Zoe S
435  Profile Views

About Me


my expertise in the industry

PRS - BTL landlord over 25 years experience.

Zoe's Recent Activity

Zoe S

From: Zoe S 03 May 2023 18:57 PM

Zoe S

From: Zoe S 17 February 2023 10:52 AM

Zoe S

From: Zoe S 06 August 2022 10:20 AM

Zoe S

From: Zoe S 05 August 2022 18:23 PM

Zoe S
Some years ago I thought it would be a good option to handover a couple of my properties directly to Haringey Council on a 3 year tenancy agreement. At some point during the tenancy I had discovered that the properties were left to deteriorate, they were disgusting! Based on that I had decided not renew the tenancy agreement, and so prior to the tenancy agreement coming to an end I had given the required notice requesting the return of my properties with vacant possession. On the “moving out date” they did not relocate their tenants. Haringey councils excuse was that “they needed more time” as they had a shortage of properties and could not relocate their tenants. I was sympathetic for a while ..but It reached a point whereby it became apparent that Haringey council had no intentions of moving their tenants out, which resulted in me having no choice but to take legal action. Shockingly a few days before the court case I had received a call from the director of housing (at Haringey council) trying to persuade me to drop the case. His tactics did not work. At the court hearing the judge gave the council an eviction date, and ordered to pay all of my legal fees and compensation for the deterioration of my properties so I could then renovate them back to their original condition (less any wear & tear). Where do you think the council found the money to compensate me? From when I had started the process it had taken almost two years to evict the council from my properties. I had never expected anything like that from a council, it was one of my worse rental experiences. Would I ever rent to the council again? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

From: Zoe S 05 August 2022 08:23 AM

Zoe S

From: Zoe S 04 August 2022 21:29 PM

Zoe S

From: Zoe S 24 March 2022 23:10 PM

Zoe S

From: Zoe S 01 March 2022 08:00 AM

Zoe S

From: Zoe S 28 February 2022 09:44 AM

Zoe S

From: Zoe S 02 February 2022 19:56 PM

Zoe S

From: Zoe S 24 January 2022 11:28 AM

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