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elisabeth beckett
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elisabeth beckett

From: elisabeth beckett 17 March 2022 06:31 AM

elisabeth beckett

From: elisabeth beckett 02 October 2018 09:54 AM

elisabeth beckett

From: elisabeth beckett 01 June 2018 15:56 PM

elisabeth beckett
Too many articles from Dlighted on this site. Why?....... are they part of landlord today? Most of the articles are anti landlord.. we are providing good housing for people who want to rent not buy. I am owed tens of thousands over the years from housing benefit tenants with no point in chasing people who have no money and they know that. I used to house the most vulnerable but became like an unpaid social worker helping with paperwork, meetings with the council, unravelling 'stopped' benefits and even lending tenants some money whilst their benefits got stopped. How can that be unreasonable behaviour of a landlord? When the housing benefit was cut substantially from around £80 a week to around £60 in my area, I realised that it would be WRONG and unethical of me to take benefit tenants who had NO way of paying the additional £25 a week and living too and I would be putting them in a more vulnerable position and more likelihood of debt. We cannot be made to be responsible for the Government's decision to cut benefits. We know the benefits bill is too high but I have heard too many of my tenants in the past saying there is no point going to work as they would lose their benefits and then if the work ended they would have to start all over again and it would make their housing situation untenable. I understand this position, so why can't we encourage people to work, deduct only a percentage of any work they get until they reach an income of around £15k a year which is then self-sustainable. We need to educate the unemployed, teach them how to deal with money, get rid of crazy loan interest to the most vulnerable (would you or I pay over 100% interest on money.... no). There is nothing 'breaking the law' about the right to choose your own tenants to live in your property yourself. I choose tenants who can afford to pay the rent I charge. Councils should not be encouraging tenants to stay until there is a court order for them to leave (do they not understand the £300+ cost of the court papers are also going on to the debt?). This country needs a shake up when it comes to housing and I'm not sure the new Minister has any knowledge at all in her new field.

From: elisabeth beckett 26 March 2018 10:45 AM

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