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Luke P
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Luke P
They never ever think through all the realistic possibilities. They charge ahead with their 'We're the Sheriff in this town' attitude, completely forgetting that there are many, perfectly legitimate LLs that live far away and perhaps even overseas. They will have had a 10-second brain-storming session and come up with the idea that we'll make LLs attend a course at our offices. I don't know if it's the same in Coventry, but the pool of people our local authority choose their employees from is the misfits, failed business people and those that can't make something for themselves/gain decent employment in another field (talented folk don't travel far and wide to join local authorities in regional backwaters) and then very quickly get a sense of both self-importance and 'I'm the only true authority here' (the Sheriff attitude) and start pointing fingers, demanding you jump through their ridiculous hoops when then have barely the first idea about the industry or the law with which they dabble...probably because they believe they *are* the law. I have a large volume of property, so if you are (incorrectly) telling me I need to have a certain type of fire door on every single door to every single room because it will account for their knowledge-gap by ensuring the LL is over compensating, I'm going to pull you up on it...not to be an a*se, not even because you're both morally and technically wrong, but because as a commercial decision, I cannot replace 350+ property's doors just because you say so. If it's the law, then fine. If you're just trying to 'belt and braces' it because it makes the LA officer feel better, then expect, every single time, to be challenged. And this is what we LLs must do...challenge shoddy councils at ever opportunity. Finished now.

From: Luke P 15 August 2019 12:32 PM

Luke P

From: Luke P 10 August 2019 09:42 AM

Luke P

From: Luke P 25 July 2019 09:26 AM

Luke P

From: Luke P 01 February 2019 13:18 PM

Luke P

From: Luke P 06 August 2018 11:18 AM

Luke P

From: Luke P 04 July 2018 13:21 PM

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