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Generation Rent says current eviction rules work “at a landlord’s whim”

The chief executive of the Generation Rent group has made another attack on landlords who ask tenants to vacate properties.

He says the current policy surrounding private rental evictions operate “at a landlord’s whim.”

Acknowledging that Labour and Conservatives had failed to agree on how to progress the Renters Reform Bill before the July 4 General Election, Twomey issued a statement saying: “Abandoning the Renters Reform Bill as parliament dissolves means the government has failed in its promise to renters at the last election to deliver a fairer tenancy system. 


“If it had not been for delays caused by a minority of MPs opposing the Bill, the government could enter the election campaign with a new law to end Section 21 evictions and bring in stronger protections for renters.

“It now falls to the next parliament to start afresh and get it right at the second time of asking. Whoever forms the next government must make rental reform a key part of their agenda. 

“This means proper protections from evictions when we have done nothing wrong, and limits on unaffordable rent rises so we can’t be turfed on to the streets at a landlords’ whim.”

Although the failure to progress the Bill at the end of last week was down to a joint decision by Labour and Conservatives, Twomey’s organisation put the blame firmly on the government.

The Generation Rent campaign says: “The government has had since 2019 to pass this Bill and abolish section 21 no-fault evictions and it has failed to do so. The Bill had been delayed on numerous occasions by a minority of pro-landlord MPs and these delays have ultimately meant that the Bill has not passed.”

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    The problem is that landlords are at the mercy of other people's whims.
    We didn't choose for the government to invent Section 24 (which forces rent increases to be higher than they otherwise would be).
    We didn't choose for the Bank of England to completely mess up interest rates (dropping them too far, for too long and then increasingly them far too quickly by more than was necessary).
    We didn't choose for some of the more unrealistic government policies such as EPC C. It took far too long for that U-turn. How many tenants unnecessarily lost their homes before sense prevailed?
    None of us choose to have tenants who choose not to adhere to the terms of their tenancy agreement.
    Most of us just want to get on with the job of being a landlord and make a reasonable living doing so. Maybe one day we might want to retire. We almost never evict anyone on a whim but sometimes circumstances dictate we have no other alternative.

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    Message to Twomey: 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫
    The properties do NOT belong to you. You want to be safe from eviction? Buy a property and pay the mortgage. No GOOD landlord gives notice to a GOOD tenant without GOOD reason, so stop peddling falsehoods. We do not give notice on a whim as you claim.

    The ONLY people that turf you onto the streets are High Court Bailiffs as you well know!😡 Try telling the truth for once, if you can.


    He doesn’t know the difference 🤷‍♂️

  • George Dawes

    All the government has to do is introduce a compulsory purchase order on all private property due to a massive housing shortage caused entirely by themselves

    And its going to come ….

    Boiling the frog …

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    Generation Rant are like a broken record. They needn’t worry for much longer as we are leaving in our droves and there won’t be a need for GR.
    I suspect they are sponsored by the Corporates as their sole purpose in life is to vilify the small private landlords.

  • Richard LeFrak

    Labour will not do anything, they are just as useless as this lot in power now. The only thing they will do is blame the Tories and complain they have to fix the economy and NHS before any of this.

    The reason they will do that is that they have seen what forcing a market (RRB) has done. Forced a load of landlords out by scaring them to death, Labour have seen this and thought Fk that for a game of soldiers it will create a bigger problem.

    Would not surprise me if they actually put tax breaks in to help landlords and bring them back on side. Cannot believe I have said that about Labour, then again I cannot believe what I have witnessed by a Tory party over the last 10 years.


    Peter, I suspect (and hope) you may well be correct.

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    George. I don’t think the Government is that stupid if they compulsory purchase, then they’ll have to run & maintain them.
    They’ll be filled up with Benefit Tenants no one paying anything, keeping them all.
    The Billions of taxes they get from Private Landlords gone + all the sidekick’s spurious rampant penalties and licensing extortion racket etc. Have a nice day.

    • A S
    • 29 May 2024 14:57 PM

    Yes, the government isn't that stupid. If they compulsorily purchase, they will then be sold off in tranches to their corporate mates who will run them.....it's how the system works these days. Joining the dots yet?

  • icon

    So many landlords have had huge fines for Renting out unlicensed properties.
    I haven’t yet seen any Tenant yet prosecuted for Renting an unlicensed property.

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    Generation Rant, Shelter and the government are the biggest cause of homelessness.
    The sooner that Rant and Shelter realize this the less people there will be on the streets.
    As said many times, they don't house anyone but are the cause of people being homeless.

    Do they not realize the damage they are doing to the tenants?

    The government dont care and Labour will make this a lot worse in July.

    Unrealistic EPC C has probably caused a lot of people to sell, I've offered 2 houses for sale to tenants because of it.
    Selling them wont help the UK to go green, it will just mean that its 2 more houses will be privately owned and the government cant force the owners to increase the EPC or will have to fund them.

    S24 is probably now having a huge effect on landlords who have mortgages, luckily I don't have any but between this and interest rates, it is probably the reason rents are rising at the fastest pace ever.

    I only see things getting worse for renters and landlords over the next few years.

    Anti landlord associations and the media will continue their anti landlord rhetoric, the government will keep hitting us for more and more tax and legislation to hopefully get more votes.

    At the end of the day it will only make it worse for tenants as more landlords leave the sector and the big corporate companies wont want to take on people at the lower end of the scale.

    If the government do not build more social houses there is going to a total mess in a few years time.

    Luckily for me I will retire in 2 years time and start selling off the houses, so it will be the governments problem and not mine.

    The government want rid of small landlords and I've already stopped buying and am just putting my money into 12 month high interest accounts. They win but i'm going to love to sell up and see how they manage to house the growing population over the next 10 years. They have dug their own graves.

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    I evict at a whim when I'm not paid, pay me look after my properties and my tenants won't be evicted on to the streets

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    • K B
    • 29 May 2024 17:07 PM

    Yeh, because on a whim I would evict a good tenant who takes care of my property and pay the rent on time


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