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Police urge landlords to smoke out cannabis farm tenants

The police has warned landlords to beware of tenants wanting to use properties as cannabis farms.

The warning comes after police officers seized more than 160 cannabis plants at a property in Mansfield. The illegal drug was being grown in multiple rooms in the house and in the loft space.

Aljon Kacaj, aged 33, was found at the scene and later pleaded guilty to producing cannabis. He claimed merely to be watering the plants on behalf on an unidentified middleman who offered him money and a place to live.


Kacaj has now been jailed for 20 months but the threat to landlords from this problem is clear.

Extensive damage was caused to the rented semi-detached property, which also had its electrical supply diverted to disguise the very large amount of power being used.

Sergeant Neil Priestley, of Nottinghamshire Police, says: “This was a large and sophisticated operation that will have cost a considerable amount of money to set up. It has also caused a very large amount of damage to the internal structure of the property which the owner will now have to rectify at their own expense.

“For that reason, I urge residential landlords to think very carefully about who they let their properties to and to ensure that all relevant background checks are completed.

“People should also be wary of red flags like people offering to pay a large amount of rent up front or in cash, because the cost of falling victim to this kind of criminality far outweighs any short-term financial gain.

“Local residents also have a significant role to play in combating this kind of offending, by letting us know in confidence about any concerns they may have.

“As our officers did in this case, we’ll then work to develop that intelligence and secure a warrant to enforce on the address.”

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    Smoke out! As Captain Mainwaring would say, “Very droll, very droll”. 😀

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    It would be useful if the Police took low level cannabis use a bit more seriously. How many cannabis farms do they miss because they don't routinely respond to reports of cannabis. At what point do they start to get interested? Multiple reports from multiple people of a strong smell of cannabis over a several months period isn't enough for a Police visit.

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    The UK police force is impotent, disinterested and politically subverted as a minimum.
    The fine blue line really matters but we’re heading for social unrest without a hope that the police force will be effective.’ Worrying’ is an understatement!

    • A S
    • 04 June 2024 11:30 AM

    It used to be said that if you want change, then vote accordingly. But then most people carry on voting red/blue/yellow/green and the cycle continues.

    More worryingly, looking at the recent PCC elections, the ONLY choice was red or blue in my area (probably most areas). There is no choice. We really are doomed.


    A S
    I have been saying for some time, “If you want change, change your vote”. I certainly will and most constituencies will have a REFORM candidate.

    The Brexit result shocked those inside the M25. I hope the election result does the same. 👍

    • A S
    • 04 June 2024 13:31 PM

    AL - I'm just hypothesising the scenario if we all vote Labour. Hear me out...

    They are clearly going to win and form the next Government. The only question is who is the opposition and how little seats they will have. And we've seen from the Tory 80 seat majority that the party is too broad to keep everyone happy and individual Tory MPs from the wings of the party have been emboldened to demand change.

    Kier Starmer will never be able to keep all wings (there are many) of the Labour lot happy. They will tear themselves apart. It will be 5 years of hell, but the backlash in 5 years time will be monumental.

    So if you truly want to play the long game, is a vote for Labour worth considering?


    A S
    I'd rather vote for Gibbo. I voted for Labour ONCE, many years ago when I was young and naive. Then I grew up.

    • A S
    • 04 June 2024 13:45 PM

    Haha, we'd all have heat pumps shoved up our backsides if Gibbo was in charge.

    My point is still that we are in for a see-saw over the next 5 years. Strong Labour majority and all the fallout that will bring, followed by a backlash afterwards. The severity of the stupidness of Labour will dictate the strength of that backlash. Will be interesting to see what that backlash comprises of (probably a Farage/Tommy Robinson mash up).

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    House next door to one of my rentals - rented out through an agent - young female from the agency was sure it was being used for cannabis growing. (I was there for moral support). She called the police - police officer attended - knocked on the door and asked if she could come in - tenant (very politely) said 'no' because he was just going to get in the bath. Police officer said nothing she could do and went away.

    Several months later the tenants were evicted for non-payment of rent. We attended with the bailiff - very obviously the house had been used to grow cannabis - lots of equipment, tent, extension leads - ventilation had been installed into the chimney stack in the loft, huge amount of used soil in the loft. Several passports, evidence of expensive purchases (trainers, phones, handbags etc). Also remains of some cannabis plants. Neighbours all said they had smelled cannabis.


    I uncovered a cannabis farm in a comercial property, reported it police not interested

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    I reported strong cannabis smell in a building where I own a flat. My tenants had things stolen, the front door got bashed in. Nothing happened. Eventually the landlord of this flat evicted them. I didn’t feel the Police were interested.


    Too many forms to fill, Margaret, so easier to do nothing.

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    Oh yes, been there! It was during Covid lockdown when I couldn't visit the property. When I finally got the tenant out I found a horrendous mess, carpets ruined with soil traipsed through the house and a wheelie bin full of soil. Not only did he leave owing me a lot of money but he also owed the electricity supplier over £3,000.

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    All landlords should educate themselves fully of this risk and then check their landlord insurance policies. I'm currently mid refurb of a 2 bed bungalow that had tenants of 3 months when there was a fire caused by his cannabis farm in the loft. £65k of damage later and the insurance company don't want to know as there is a standard exclusion for 'damages caused by illegal activity'....their 4 week decision time also caused additional damage due to the constant rain through the huge hole in the roof. Police told me there is one on every street and the vast majority are in rentals. Our agent said they'd never heard of it in their entire trading time. They also deny all responsibility despite having found and referenced the tenant. The only loser is us as the landlord.


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