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Homelessness fear haunts a third of private renters, new poll suggests

More than one in five people in the UK fear they or someone they know could be homeless in the next 12 months.

And 77% of the population want Government to support the building of more social homes to address the issue.  

A new study, by social enterprise company Places for People, claims 21 per cent of people living in the UK fear they or someone they know will become homeless in the next year.     


The worry is even greater among renters – both private (30%) and social (29%) – compared to 15% among homeowners.  

Latest Government data shows 3,898 people were counted as sleeping rough across England on a single night in Autumn 2023, and 121 in Wales. In Scotland, 2,438 households reported rough sleeping during the previous three months before applying for support in 2022/2023.   

The most recent government data shows households living in temporary accommodation is at its highest ever level with 112,660 in England, 15,625 in Scotland and 5,700 in Wales.   

Meanwhile, according to the most recent available data, there are 1.29m households waiting for a social home in England, 110,900 in Scotland and 90,000 in Wales.   

Well over three-quarters (80%) of people think that homelessness is a major national issue and a similar proportion (77%) believe government needs to build more social homes to address the problem. Some 81% say government should provide more funding to prevent homelessness.    

A spokesperson for Places for People says: “These figures should alarm us all. What we found has bluntly exposed the worry that exists throughout the country. Sadly, however, they do not come as a surprise - for too long we have been highlighting the seriousness of the ever-growing homelessness crisis facing the UK.  

“With renters in both social and private properties most concerned, everything people are telling us points towards a desperate need to build more social homes, although delivering the right mix of all tenures remains vital to ease overall pressure. 

    “… As a sector, the concerns we have raised time and time again around the need for more social homes have not been listened to by government in recent years. So, we are now urging whoever forms the next government to listen to the people of the UK and put delivering more social homes at the top of your priority list. Talking’s over, it’s time to build.”  

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  • Sarah Fox-Moore

    And today there was some weather!

  • icon

    Behave, pay the rent in full on time and they will have no worries

    Rob NorthWest-Landlord

    Unless politics steps in and creates an environment so toxic for landlords that they sell up ... Oh wait!!

  • John  Adams

    The more crazy rules they push on Landlords the less likely they'll be a home available.

  • icon

    Just one third 🤔🤔 there should be far more worrying than that 🫣🫣 If Labour do what we think they will …. 💣 🌋 it will be a PRS Armageddon 🤷‍♂️

    • A S
    • 13 June 2024 08:40 AM

    The other two thirds are ostriches who won't know what's hit them before it's too late

  • icon

    Well you can spend your life worrying about things that might or might not happen. The best way to gain more security in life is to work hard, make sure you are a great tenant and / or save up to buy your own place. If you are a great tenant who looks after the property, and always pays the rent on time, then you'll be better placed when your landlord needs to sell the property.

  • icon

    Are these the same people who spend their life worrying about being made redundant or being run over by a bus?

  • icon

    Too many non-productive people will too much sway.

  • icon

    Section 21 evictions being ended immediately according to the Labour Party Manifesto.

    It states that:

    Security also means having a secure roof over your head. That is not the case for too many
    renting their homes privately. Labour will legislate where the Conservatives have failed, overhauling the regulation of the private rented sector. We will IMMEDIATELY ABOLISH SECTION 21 NO FAULT EVICTIONS, prevent private renters being exploited and discriminated against, empower them to challenge unreasonable rent increases, and take steps to decisively raise standards, including extending ‘Awaab’s Law’ to the private sector.

    The last Labour government made huge strides in ending homelessness. Under the Conservatives, that progress has been undone, with rough sleepers an all-too-common sight in our towns and cities, and a sharp rise in hidden homelessness. Building on the lessons of our past, Labour will develop a new cross-government strategy, working with Mayors and Councils across the country, to put Britain back on track to ending homelessness.


    Be afraid, be VERY afraid.


    I think you are right AL.

    We don't have details about what their legislation will include. We do know that if they give Mayors and councils more powers that short lets will probably require planning permission - which will not be granted. There could also be rent controls.


    For examples of power given to mayors, just look at London.

    Remember, power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  • George Dawes

    Im more worried about our impending dystopian apocalypse via enforced mandatory vaccines etc etc


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