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NRLA slams councils for failing to inspect rental homes with hazards

Private renters in England face a postcode lottery as councils are failing to properly inspect properties with potential hazards.

That’s the view of the National Residential Landlords Association which says that under the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) local authorities can carry out inspections to identify hazards in rented properties following a complaint by a tenant. 

They can then compel the landlord to act where hazards are detected.


However, the NRLA has found that between 2021 and 2023, just a third of complaints raised by renters were responded to with an HHSRS inspection.

Half of all inspections conducted under the HHSRS were carried out by just 20 local authorities. Some 16 per cent of councils were unable to provide any inspection figures.

The association then says that in a worrying sign of poor record-keeping, 37 per cent of councils were unable to provide any housing tenure specific data related to tenant complaints.

Where hazards are found following an inspection, councils have a range of enforcement options, including issuing an Improvement Notice to compel a landlord to rectify whatever problems are identified. Landlords are then prohibited from serving a section 21, ‘no-fault’ possession notice for six months.

Despite this, between 2021 and 2023, just seven per cent of HHSRS inspections led to an Improvement Notice being served. Over 50 per cent of such notices were served by just 20 local authorities, while 23 councils had served no notices.

To support improved enforcement against rogue and criminal landlords the NRLA is calling on the next government to urgently publish the promised review of the HHSRS. 

Councils should also be required to publish annual reports on their enforcement activity in respect of the private rented sector and how it is helping to address poor practice and sub-standard housing.

Alongside this, the NRLA is calling for the creation of a new national Chief Environmental Health Officer to drive the need for better enforcement.

Ben Beadle, chief executive of the National Residential Landlords Association, says: “No renters should ever have to put up with unsafe housing. Whilst ultimately it is landlords who are responsible for the quality of the housing they provide, tenants must have confidence in councils’ ability to act when renters require assistance.

“Our research paints a worrying picture of councils under strain struggling to respond as they should to tenant complaints. In addition, many do not have the data needed to track enforcement activity properly.

“Calls for new laws to tackle rogue and criminal landlords are distracting from the fact that councils routinely fail to make the best use of the powers available to them. The focus must be on swift, consistent enforcement. This is in the interest of households and responsible landlords.”

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  • icon

    Bungling Boy Beadle going into bat for tenants again. 😡 While I have no time for landlords who let their tenants live in unsafe accommodation, yet again he forgets which organisation he allegedly works for. 😠 If only he showed the same attitude towards landlords! 😉

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    What is the ***** doing? Pushing for what will be more supposedly impartial but inevitable tenant biased anti landlord policies. We need Beadle like a hole in the head.

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    What on earth is Mr Ben Beadle on about or how can he be so much out of touch.
    I have had a house Inspected 3 times and licensed for two 5 year terms before and the third Application made before the previous one expired but caused me so much hassle with the inspection about nothing really going back on things were inspected previously and passed, ignored all the Certificates that were sent in with the application and writing to me looking for them again months later. It’s an excellent rental property in my view in a prime location but vacant since October because of their incompetence and bias still vacant even though I was offered £2.5k pm because that’s what happens when the landlord gets pead off,
    Great idea more inspections more homeless just keep targeting Landlords the chickens are not far away.

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    Is Beadle looking for a job with Generation Rent or Shelter?!!
    He is working against the PRS for some reason. Maybe I got it wrong previously as I thought GR sponsored by the Corporates when all along it is the NRLA!

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    Bungling Ben should concentrate on defending private landlords. ‘Council performance’ is not the NRLA’s concern, but the destruction of the PRS very much IS. He and the NRLA are now repeatedly exposed as fraudsters making money from the bruising inflicted on decent landlords at the expense of their proper defence. When will we be rid of him!?

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    • A S
    • 07 June 2024 10:02 AM

    The Tony Benn 5 questions quote seems very apt for Beadle.

    “What power have you got? Where did you get it from? In whose interests do you exercise it? To whom are you accountable? And how can we get rid of you?”

    Who hired Beadle and who can fire him? I have no idea!


    He can only exist with member subscriptions. So mass resignation is called for.

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    Most of these homes with faults are council owned, that could be why they are not being inspected

  • George Dawes

    Old buildings maintained by incompetent lazy councils

    What could possibly go wrong ?

  • Fery  Lavassani

    There is a huge shortage of certified HHSRS inspectors. Its a very complicated rating system. You will have to check the property against 29 hazards and then apply that to the age of the occupants to give them scores. You will need to have an A Level in maths to do that. I got my certificate from Derby council. There were 25 participants in total on the course. Only two of them from Derby council. The rest from various local authorities. I was the only landlord on the course. The rest from Lancashire Nottinghamshire and a few more councils. In Liverpool there are 25 wards under the SL scheme. It was said that it will take Merseyside council 125 years to inspect all rental properties. You wonder what the purpose of selective Licensing is, other than balancing the books of the local authorities.


    Well said. I'm a retired EHO, old enough to remember the simple and easily understood "fitness standard". HHSRS was and remains a total joke, brought in by Blair because allegedly he was fed up with being criticised by European leaders for having high numbers of "unfit" houses so he ABOLISHED unfitness. And quadrupled the workload of officers trying to simply inspect houses and decide what works are required.
    If there had been anybody with brains in the current government, they would have repealed this idiotic piece of legislation and brought back the much better Housing Act 1985.

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    Strange many of the people that Built the houses only had a birth Certificate.

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    I cannot understand why private landlords do not band together and set up a better organisation to fight the fools who allegedly represent them and the brainless groups like Shelter and Generation Rent.
    When you look at the situation with the PRS, actually it is landlords who now hold the balance of power and should use it. A manifesto for the PRS is required with clear demands of government, councils and courts. Clearly landlords' current representatives have rolled over and are how effectively dead.
    Maybe a landlords' trade union and a strike! That would make headlines.


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