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Graham Awards


Rent Controls? Agents say Labour crisis is chance to rule them out

Propertymark says the current political crisis in Wales - where the Labour Welsh Parliament leader has lost a confidence vote but refuses to resign - gives an opportunity for the party to rule out rent controls.

Welsh first minister Vaughan Gething lost a vote of no confidence this week after only three months in office; during his tenure he has faced questions over a controversial £200,000 donation to his leadership campaign from a man convicted of environmental offences. 

“To serve and lead my country. That’s what I’ve done today. That’s what I’ll carry on doing” says Gething, but Propertymark says the crisis means there is an absence of leadership on housing in Wales. 


Tim Thomas, policy and campaigns officer at Propertymark, says: “The Welsh housing sector is at an important crossroads. Pivotal to the Welsh government’s housing policy aims are clarity and sustainability of leadership.

“As a matter of urgency, Vaughan Gething must clarify his position to enable the Welsh government to concentrate on how it will increase the supply of housing in all tenures, improve standards, and support landlords and agents with current legislation.

“Regardless of who leads the Senedd [Welsh Parliament], they must use this opportunity to rule out rent controls and improve affordability by implementing a review of all property taxation.”

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  • George Dawes

    That just about sums up so called democracy

    Can anyone please explain what is the actual point of voting ?


    Especially in Wales, where the mindset is to vote Labour regardless of how badly they have run the country.
    Put a red rosette on a donkey and most of my fellow countrymen would vote for it.

  • icon

    I vote because suffragettes got me the vote. I also lived in Zambia for three years and watched people stand in line for days to vote, however many times I just write across the voting slip to spoil it because often there’s no choice in the area I live. The corruption in Westminster is shocking but I think no one is surprised.


    Hopefully you will have a REFORM candidate this time.


    I will be voting Reform, but it won't make any difference here in the WUSSR.
    It will just leave me with a clear conscience.

  • icon

    Annoyed we can but PRAY!🙏.


    I proposed mine yesterday! 👍


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