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Shock figures show under a third of landlords back Tories in election

Only 31.8% of landlords questioned in a large survey back the Tories in next week’s election.

Although this is the largest individual block of support amongst landlords there are almost as many - 30.8% - who say they remain undecided about which party to support.

Among those who have decided, the Labour Party is the second choice at 15.3% and Reform UK at 14.4%.


Traditionally the Tories have relied on very substantial support from the landlord community.

A statement from the survey organiser, lettings agency OpenRent, says rental market policies are important for landlords, with 44.2% rating them as “Very important” in their voting decision.

However, there is widespread dissatisfaction with the current government’s handling of these issues, as 38.2% of landlords feel “Very dissatisfied” and 36.4% are “Dissatisfied”.

Landlords have also voiced their wish list for the next government, including lower tax on rental income and improved protections against tenant damage and rent defaults.

There’s also strong demand for quicker, more efficient eviction processes.

OpenRent sent the survey to 20,000 landlords and 20,000 tenants nationwide, but does not indicate the response rate.

Tenants lean towards the Labour Party, with 37.8% indicating their intention to vote Labour, while a significant 32.5% remain undecided. The Green Party follows with 8.4%, whereas the Conservatives lag behind at 5.3%.

Among tenants, housing and rental market policies hold even greater importance, with 59.7% considering them “Very important”.

Moreover, dissatisfaction with the current government’s performance is notably high, with 65.3% “Very dissatisfied” and 20.0% “Dissatisfied”.

Tenants are calling for rent controls and/or caps and better support for low-income tenants and housing benefits.

OpenRent published the results of its survey on social media. 

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  • icon

    "Landlords have also voiced their wish list for the next government, including lower tax on rental income".
    That makes it sound like landlords are asking for special treatment when the reality is that they would like to be treated the same as everyone else. Currently landlords are taxed in a unique fashion, totally different to every other business or investment.
    We have Section 24 which means we are the only business that pays tax on turnover, not profit. If our mortgage interest goes up so does our tax bill.
    We are charged 3% surcharge on SDLT. While I can see the politics of envy may be able to justify this surcharge for second homes (as in a house that is stood empty when it's owner is living in their main home) how on earth can the same argument be used to justify it on BTL properties which are used as an occupants primary residence?
    CGT is charged at 24% instead of 20% on BTL properties. Why are we penalised in this way? Many assets can be sold in small annual bundles to best utilise annual CGT allowances. A house can't be sold off in slices.

    So three different ways we are currently taxed far more harshly than any other business or investment. We're not asking for any special treatment, just parity with everyone else.


    CGT on housing is also due in 60 days whereas CGT on other assets is due until the Januar following the end of the tax year!


    Jo - If only the politicians had a brain cell between them they would realise landlords need incentivising not beaten with a stick all the time. Unfortunately the far left have too loud a voice. Unless there is massive house building and even then that takes time the PRS needs to expand. The Corporates are not the answer. Healthy competition between lots of small landlords is needed.

  • icon

    It’s no surprise that landlords are sick of the Conservative Party after voting them in last time, they never stopped attacking us with rules, regulations, licenses and taxes. It was all labour’s Policies they used from the John Prescott 2004 Act.
    How many times have I told you removal of Section 21 had the ability to bring down the Government, the very foundation of all Private letting before which there wasn’t any I remember I lived it, I was a landlord you weren’t even born and if you were you certainly weren’t a landlord that goes for the vast majority of you.
    So you want to go back there again because you don’t know what it was like if you did you wouldn’t want your Business destroyed do you not get that but still you keep on. Then to top it all we have a Landlord Association that works against us.
    What’s the point in a General Election when there’s no one to vote for, now they want 16 year olds to vote what next 14 yrs old, maybe only tax payers should be allowed to vote.


    The choice is which will make it worse. Conservatives have bowed down to demands, labour wd take it much further ....

  • George Dawes

    Almost like it’s all been planned….

  • Peter  Roberts

    They’ve had us over in every way possible now they will reap the rewards of such actions

  • icon

    A third 🤔 that high 😂 I’m amazed 👎🏻👎🏻 They will be wiped out, as they should be, they have hung us out to dry, and Labour will finish us off.


    Simon, I am more surprised that Labour is ahead of REFORM, when Labour want even more controls of landlords and REFORM essentially want to leave us alone.

    So that is 31.8% and 15.3% of turkeys voting for Christmas. 😂

    Matthew Payne

    Labour will be far worse.

  • icon

    The results of the anti-LL policies are there for everyone to see in the housing crisis, yet Labour vows to continue the crusade against us. Until LLs are seen as part of the solution, instead of the problem, things will continue to get worse for tenants.

  • icon

    An interesting article popped up on my Google feed just now.
    Ireland’s housing crisis is so grave that employers are getting into the landlord business and buying property for their staff.

    Apparently airlines, care homes, food companies, etc can only get staff if they provide housing for them. Either buying or renting. How long before the same becomes normal here?


    Yes that is interesting. Of course this happened in the past, think of cottages tied to jobs in farming, and mini villages like Roundtree and Cadbury built for their employees.


    Jo - Yes I can see that happening in England. My father being a farm worker I was brought up in tied cottages during the 1950’s. Most had no bathroom!
    Also if you lost your job you lost your accommodation at the same time!

  • Sarah Fox-Moore

    The Tories have not supported Landlords, or Business in geberal for a l o n g time.
    In fact they are hostile to these sectors now; hence so much wealth & so many businesses are fleeing this country


    Problem is the Conservatives have mutated to become the ‘Consocialists’! There’s nothing remotely Conservative about them.

  • icon

    And lab will continue and make things worse. With a stronger stick.


    Yes, the silence on new tax rises is deafening.
    Expect a rise in CGT for landlords and an abolishing of the allowance.
    Also, expect them to do something with inheritance tax, which is the worst of all in my opinion.
    We are being backed into a corner and all we can wish for is that Liebour last for only one term.
    I am going to look into my options and do everything that I can to mitigate the damage, although, easier said than done.

  • icon

    Jo. I wouldn’t go copying them clowns over there. I suppose that’s what they want the Big Boys controlling everything pretending to be doing them a favour.
    So they’ll be their employer and their landlord total control, if you leave or get sacked they’ll be homeless as well.

  • icon

    I had mistakenly thought the Lib Dems were replacing Section 21 with three year Leases. This appears not to be the case. It would seem Reform the only party not abolishing it.
    I am amazed any landlord would vote Labour. At least under the Conservatives RRB a landlord would be permitted to sell or move a family member in. Not so under Labour.


    I am amazed any landlord would not vote for REFORM on a purely selfish basis.

  • icon

    Karen, I know that one quite well having had a cousin that got sucked into farming and a house with the job big mistake.
    He could have bought a house at the time for £4’000.00 a lot of money at the time but he would have ended up with a house £200’000.00 tax free instead of nothing. Then wife peased off to Scotland with some guy she didn’t want to be stuck in poverty either.
    Anyway he liked farming and was good at it, of course the lure of big tractors as well but he had other duties to .
    It makes no difference how wealthy the boss man was millions or billions or owned virtually all the land for Hitching to Biggleswade, but not a bad bloke.
    Keep work separate from your housing.

  • icon

    Section 24 & removal of the wear and tear allowance & 3% additional stamp duty & 25% corporation tax.

    The Tories turned their backs on businessmen & property investors their core voter base!

    We’ve paid the excessive taxes now it’s time for the tories to pay for that at the polls 🗳️

  • Jaeger  Von Toogood

    Vote reform uk 🇬🇧 Liblabcon are anti landlord and anti SME. Labour will quickly increase CGT, they hate successful people.

  • icon

    I’m voting Reform, can’t bring myself to vote Conservative and hell would have to freeze over before I would vote Labour. I hate every aspect of them,


    Same here!


    I was pleased to be able to nominate our local REFORM candidate. Unfortunately my current health prevents me from doing a leaflet drop or I would do that as well.

    You can tell how worried the Establishment parties are by the number of smear stories each day in the Daily Mail. Top count was seven with four being the minimum.

  • Gone Girl

    Postal vote completed and sent. I hope a vote for Reform, who have the only sensible approach to the PRS, gives the other parties pause for thought about ravaging the sector. There is a famous meme of a girl side-eying a burning house - that will be me when labour enforce Section 21 on Day One and then spend four years beating back tenants who can’t find anywhere in the shrinking PRS to to live.

  • icon

    REFORM UK - It seems an obvious choice for Landlords.
    Not perfect, but lesser of the evils.

    Landlords will be far worse off financially with Labour than the Conservatives... and the Gove has been far from friendly to the Private Rental Sector.


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