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Controversial Lettings Agency finds landlords against rent controls

A nationwide survey conducted by Leaders Romans Group shows significant concerns over proposed rent controls, property taxes, and regulatory changes.

Controversially, LRG this week signed an open letter calling on the next government to re-introduce and pass the Renters Reform Bill as a matter of urgency after today’s election.

In its survey - from some 1,200 landlords and tenants across England and Wales - results indicated that 60% of landlords are particularly worried about potential increases in property taxes, which they believe could lead to higher rental prices. Additionally, 45% of respondents expressed concerns about the introduction of new regulatory measures that could complicate the rental process.


The survey also asked respondents to identify the three biggest causes of the current challenges in the private rental sector. These were:

- Inflation and the cost of living: this was identified as a major concern by 55% of landlords and 78% of tenants. The rising cost of living is putting pressure on both landlords and tenants, making it harder to maintain affordable rental prices;

- High rents: high rents were highlighted by 17% of landlords and 88% of tenants;

- Lack of social housing: this was noted by 41% of landlords and 32% of tenants. The shortage of social housing is pushing more people into the private rental sector, increasing demand and driving up prices.

The survey also explored potential solutions to reduce evictions. Getting the cost of living under control was deemed most important by 34% of landlords and 58% of tenants. Additionally, 39% of landlords suggested cutting taxation on landlords as a viable solution.

Allison Thompson, national lettings managing director at LRG, comments: "This survey highlights the critical concerns faced by both landlords and tenants in today's volatile market. The start of a new parliamentary term presents a pivotal moment for the party in power to address these issues with balanced and thoughtful policies. It's essential that we create a fair and sustainable rental environment that supports both landlords' ability to invest and maintain properties and tenants' access to affordable housing."

To access the full survey report click here.

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  • George Dawes

    Thank you captain obvious

  • icon

    Nope , in the words of Victor Meldrew……. I just don’t believe it ! 😂😂

  • Sarah Fox-Moore

    "Bakanced and thoughtful policies"! Where? Who are these mythical politicians with brains able to see the consequences of their actions? 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄

  • icon

    It seems Allison Thompson loves publicity. 😀 She keeps producing these word salads that have no actual meaning.

    As Sarah Fox-Moore says above, balanced and thoughtful policies are a figment of Alison’s imagination.

  • icon

    Ben Beadle is remarkably quiet today. I am surprised NRLA aren’t issuing their usual platitudes about “responsible” landlords!

    • A S
    • 05 July 2024 10:59 AM

    He's probably hungover celebrating his side's win


    Too busy writing congratulations cards to the potential Labour Ministers.


    Perhaps he is busy on his knees 'welcoming' Kier Starmer to government. He 'welcomed' Michael Gove back, and welcomes all things bad for landlords. Perhaps he's busy building bridges with Rayner and Pennycrook too.

  • icon

    I have a property in the SE that is let by Romans, which makes me wonder if she is actually operating in my best interest. In the words of David Tenant, maybe she should shut up.


    You have my sympathy, Martin.
    Remember the saying: He who sups with the devil needs a long spoon.

  • icon

    NRLA & LRG one and the same anti landlord profiteers!

    Join Ihowz who put LL’s interest front and centre.


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