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Labour’s first days in office - What Happens Next?

With Labour set to have a substantial majority in the Commons, this is how the coming days will play out. 

Over the weekend the new government will be formed and Cabinet ministers appointed. At this stage we should know the identities of the Housing Secretary and Housing Minister - will Angela Rayner and Matthew Pennycook take their shadow positions into government?

On Tuesday July 9 the new Parliament will meet for the first time, with the election of a House of Commons Speaker followed by the swearing in of all MPs, beginning with the MP with the longest continuous service, then the Prime Minister, members of the Cabinet and shadow cabinet, any MPs who are privy counsellors, and then other MPs based on when they were first elected. 


If there are large volumes of new MPs - as expected - the swearing in process will take some days, and until an MP has taken her or his oath they cannot participate in any substantive business in the Commons.

The State Opening of Parliament and the King’s Speech will be on the morning of Wednesday July 17, where the incoming government will outline its plans for its first year. At this stage we will realise what Labour housing policies are being prioritised by the new government.

The Institute for Government says that before the election was called, Parliament’s summer recess was scheduled to start on July 23. 

The Institute now says: “However this is less than six days from the King’s Speech and so would not leave enough time for the usual six sitting days taken to debate and vote on it, so it is likely that new recess dates will be set. This decision rests with the new government, and will be determined in part by what the government wants to get done before recess and whether it need MPs in attendance for this.”

A key decision to be formalised early in the life of the new government is when it will hold its first fiscal event - be that a formal Budget or a smaller so-called Autumn Statement. 

The Conservatives indicated before the election was called that it would hold an Autumn fiscal event if re-elected; Labour has pledged no emergency Budget over the summer and there is speculation that if elected it may delay any significant fiscal event until early 2025.

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  • icon

    As a Landlord, I think I must have missed something here. Perhaps it's time to open another bottle of wine and stay up all night watching the election results. Hopefully, by the time its daylight I will understand how this is relevant as Breaking News to Landlords today.


    Agree, it’s not so much breaking…. More along the lines of day following night 🤔🤷‍♂️. As an aside….. we’re doomed 😱😱


    Doomed? I think Labour will DESTROY the PRS given the chance and the voters have given them that chance.😡

  • icon

    I'm just watching this space and dreading the outcome. I suspect things will only get worse, but don't really want to sell up, but will if left with no choice.

    I've never yet had to evict a tenant, but have a couple in arrears. Under a Labour government I think it may be almost impossible for me to get them out.

    I've stopped investing in UK property a couple of years ago. Id rather put my money overseas than invest in the UK.


    Under labour you’re very unlikely to get them out and you certainly won’t get your rent arrears.

  • George Dawes

    Whatever the wef plans obviously

  • Sarah Fox-Moore

    I am not going to panic. Majority or not this labour Gov will be divided and slow to enact change
    especially with their weak flip flop front man. Whilst they may well hit us with worse CGT and IHT if youve always been a cynic you will have accounted & planned for this from a long time ago; like the fact the StatePension (a Benefit) wil be means tested, and those under 60 now, who didnt see this coming 30 years ago, will be shocked. I won't be.
    Renting has always been a long game; having good properties with zero debt and carefully selected Tenants with the right attitude & finances is key.

    • A S
    • 05 July 2024 11:13 AM

    Totally agree. A tiny Labour majority would have meant they would have all pulled in the same direction to get stuff done. However with such a large majority, several splinter groups of Labour MPs will want their say, they will dissent in votes, no doubt some will split off and join the Greens and Lib Dems. One thing is for sure, there will be plenty of in-fighting and by-elections galore in the next 5 years. I would be gobsmacked if the Toolmakers son survives the full 5 years!

  • icon

    The Renters Reform Bill and Removing Section 21 is the main contributory factor a foregone conclusion Mr Michael Gove well done you got your answer never in doubt, when Prime Minister Mr Boris sacked you that should have been it.
    However fall guy stand-in temporary Prime Minister Mr Rishi Sunak with a poison chalice reinstated you but got the job title wrong. It should have been called Secretary of State for levelling down.

  • icon

    There will be a lot of swearing going on in the Commons and further a field.

  • George Dawes

    Diane Abott in charge of financial accounting

    What could possibly go wrong ?

  • icon

    R.I.P. UK. Glad I sold my portfolio and invested in the US.

  • icon

    On a positive note, let's hope the new government build one, possibly two new homes.

  • icon

    They will target landlords within the first 100 days as a cheap fix for them. It takes time to build houses.They will finish us off but no extra housing will be achieved as PRS already housing people.

  • icon

    Maybe we should all meet up somewhere and have a good p**s up to drown our sorrows.

    • A S
    • 05 July 2024 11:09 AM

    wonderful idea! The only way to deal with a crisis


    Perhaps we could have it more regularly. Maybe we could even formalise our meet up. By forming some sort of group or an association. Give it a name. Something like Landlords for Justice. Or Our Property, Our Rules. Or My Way of the High Way. Or the REAL National Residential Landlords' Association.


    Nick - I like the idea of a Real Landlords Association.

    • A S
    • 05 July 2024 13:41 PM

    Better still, an association for landlords and tenants working together would be good. After all Gov/Shelter's policies hurt us both. If landlords win, decent tenants win also.

  • icon

    The start of F DISASTER!!!

  • icon

    Oh God No. Angela Rayner as housing minister. We are doomed.


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