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Tory Downfall Will Transform Property Landscape says top agency

There’s a property revolution starting today with a large scale defeat expected for the Tories - that’s the view of a prominent estate agency following a new survey.

Jackson-Stops says that in 2019’s General Election, homeowners accounted for 38% of the Conservative voter base - today it’s only 19%.

A survey of over 2,000 people conducted for the agency, some 30% of homeowners say they will vote Labour.


Nick Leeming, chairman of Jackson-Stops, says: “A fall in votes driven by homeowners is especially fascinating given the Tory party has historically been known as the party of homeownership.

“Labour’s commitment to tackling the housing crisis appears to resonate strongly with voters. Indeed, 27% of respondents highlight the delivery of more affordable and social housing as crucial for improving the housing market.”

In detail the survey says Labour is the favourite party for those who own one property with a mortgage with 40% backing - up from 33% in 2019.

Conservatives have lost the half of voters in this category, from 27% in 2019 to only 13% today.

But perhaps surprisingly the biggest losses for Conservatives are amongst came those who own more than one property without a mortgage – from 59% in 2019 to 39% today.

And Tory support from those who own one home outright has collapsed from 46% to 22% today.  

Amongst these two categories who own homes outright, Reform UK is gaining the most votes, at 16%.

And amongst those who do not own a home - renting or living in shared properties - the vote has halved from 20% to just 10%.

In 2019, 35% of those who lived in rental accommodation and did not own a home voted Labour: the Jackson-Stops survey says today the Labour support at least 38%.

And amongst those who live in student accommodation the survey suggests no Tory support at all -  0%.

Labour strongholds where most respondents indicate they will vote Labour today were in the North West (42%) and the West Midlands (45%).

Conservative strongholds were in the East of England (25%) and East Midlands (20%).

Leeming continues: “The East-West divide is interesting to see as many might assume the Conservatives dominate the South, where in fact what our results show is that in places like the South East Labour dominates. 

“High house prices and a lack of building in these areas of the country will no doubt be playing a part in these votes.

“In the South East we can see that 17% of our poll plan to vote Conservative, whereas in 2019 this figure was more than double at 39%. 

“Where are these Conservative votes going? Labour (25%), Reform (12%) and the Liberal Democrats (16%) have all seen significant upticks this year in the South East – whilst 15% in the region remain undecided.”

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  • icon

    The Tories have been a disaster for anyone other than Social tenants, Benefit claimants and minimum wage workers. Strange how these are the people least likely to vote for them.

    Anyone with aspiration and the ability to be financially self supporting have been shafted at every opportunity over the last 9 years.

    Reform are the only party offering any glimmer of hope for the aspirational.


    Well said Jo. 100% I'll be voting Reform for sure. 👍


    My Reform vote was posted a week ago


    I voted REFORM about thirty minutes ago.


    I voted the same time as you, AL, and there was nobody else at all in the polling station. Was it just a quiet time or a sign of a low turnout?


    Ellie, hopefully the Labour supporters just can't be bothered to get out of bed!


    I was wondering that Nick, too.

  • icon

    The “ fake” Conservatives we have today ( for the last time 👍🏻) have been more akin to New Labour that what we all hoped they would be. They deserve the total destruction that is coming, and hopefully in 5 years time we will have the real deal back with us. Probably as an offshoot of Reform. Fun times ahead 😱🫣


    Agree it's going to be 5 years of carnage, and if we can survive then something different will come along, but that might be too late for many (landlords and tenants)


    Simon: Absolutely, that’s my hope too.


    Yes, I voted for Reform. They need to be kicked out so they purge all of the socialists from the party. Hopefully they will come back at the Tory party or merge with Reform.

  • icon

    Labour go about growth but without aspiration there will be no growth. Their first tax targets are inheritance tax and CGT. Why would anyone invest in a business with the politics of envy and high taxation.

  • icon

    I am voting REFORM later this morning. The mere fact that they are being attacked by the MSM is enough to show me that the Establishment is worried. The only time I have ever agreed with George Galloway was when he described Labour and Conservatives as two cheeks of the same bum.

    I had to put bum because A*S has landlordtoday clutching their pearls because it is a swear word? 😱Really? What did Jesus ride on Palm Sunday?🤔


    Other people are referring to them now with the same phrase.

  • icon

    I had enough today 16 months waiting on license Application to be processed after all that finally this morning I am advised the second part of license fee £560.00 has been taken automatically Then another email still another £375.00to pay which I paid. Later another email saying all the pages DEICR had not been up loaded and also my Accreditation Certificate expired in the meantime. I was Accredited 3 times before with 2 different Organisations but they keep expiring it’s only for Computer people to keep adding bit all the time that I am not capable of, after being a landlord for 46 years it’s total nonsense and nothing to do with housing, it’s like telling an Adult he must be potty trained.
    Yes I had enough after my days work just getting wasted and cleaned up to go and vote when I seen this so that’s the end of that I won’t be voting or my wife either.
    Time this Accreditation Scheme was abolished it just a tick box exercise for them but rubbish money scam to me, incidentally and coincidentally I had already paid for the Course again about a month to take place in Holborn on 17th July which today also I get an email from them saying it has been cancelled.


    If you don’t vote, you cannot complain about whichever government screws with you next. 🤔

  • icon

    And Labour will make or be worse . We ain’t gunna win. Just get screwed more. Reform not get majority this time round But next time that be different. And if lab screw things up - a vote of no confidence who knows then.


    As you say, Trigger, we are going to be screwed by whichever government takes charge. We could always pray for a Brexit style miracle and REFORM UK sweeps Labour/Conservatives/Limp Dums aside. 🙏

  • icon

    How can it be any worse I have property vacant since October because of this Anti/private landlord licensing nonsense that was never vacant in 20 years that must tell you something. Double C /tax for a non service but can’t be paying 40/45% on the income I didn’t get, another big lump of tax to go by end of month to go with the January lot + all those other imposed costs. Big fines for landlords fair enough but how do they justify £29k legal costs obviously there’s no such thing just thing of a figure and double it.

    Zoe S

    What a nightmare for you Michael, I hope you manage to find a solution soon.

  • Zoe S

    I am absolutely gutted a Labour government are now in!

    The Conservatives made a mess of it for landlords in the PRS - but it’s only going to get a whole lot worse for us with Labour now in!

    Rayner can’t wait to go after the PRS Landlords in every possible way “all in aid of benefiting tenants”.


    Yes it's all about benefit tenants from now on.


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