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Accord increases cashback offer on selected two-year buy-to-let products

Accord Buy to Let has increased the amount of cashback offered through a selection of its two-year fixed buy-to-let deals.

Following the changes, selected two-year-fixed 60% and 65% LTV mortgages will now offer either £250 or £500 cashback on completion.

Highlights include a 1.72% two-year-fixed rate product that is now available with £500 cashback on completion and a free standard valuation for those buying properties at 60% loan-to-value (LTV), while a 1.82% two-year-fixed rate remortgage product at 65% LTV is also now available with £500 cashback on completion and a free standard valuation.


Chris Maggs, commercial manager at Accord Buy to Let, commented: “Our range of products are available to first time landlords, existing landlords and customers looking to re-finance their existing residential mortgage on a BTL basis where they intend to purchase a new residential property.

“Coupled with competitive affordability calculations we believe we are providing exceptional options for landlords as well as spreading a bit of festive cheer.”

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