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Have you sent a Christmas card to your tenant yet?

BTL landlords should take note of the fact that the festive postal deadline is rapidly approaching, with Thursday 20th December the cut-off-date for anyone hoping to send cards and gifts with a first class stamp if they are to arrive before Christmas.

New research shows that many landlords like to give Christmas cards to their tenants and are also generous gift givers.

Almost half of private landlords intend to buy their tenants a gift or card this Christmas, according to a snap poll by Simple Landlords Insurance.


Planned gifts include chocolates or sweets, wine and even presents for tenants’ children.

Somewhat alarmingly, while the study suggests that 46% of landlords are likely to send a Christmas card, significantly fewer are planning to offer their tenants any safety advice over Christmas, which is generally a period of heightened risks.

From 2014 to 2016, the number of Christmas burglaries leapt by 20% from 5,222 to 6,278,whilst charity Electrical Safety Firsts reports average 11% spike in house fires over the festive season.

A sudden cold snap, or down pour, can also cause damage – a good reason to ensure landlords know if tenants are going to be away for any period of time.

One in five - 21% - said they ask their tenants to inform them if they are going away for more than a few days over the period, 16% remind tenants that the risk of burglary increases in December and 11% send reminders about rules on candles or Christmas lights.

Richard Truman from Simple Landlords Insurance said: “We would encourage landlords to get in touch with their tenants ahead of the Christmas fortnight, if only to help them avoid the heightened risk from burglary, fire and flood over the holiday period.

“Landlords could include a safety checklist in any Christmas or New Year’s card they send as a gentle reminder to let them know if they are going to be away, to alert tenants to the heightened risk of being burgled, highlight the dangers of Christmas lights and candles – and stress the importance of smoke alarms.”

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Poll: Will you be sending your tenants Christmas cards this year?


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  • icon

    Happy to give safety advice - use your common sense and if you haven't any please move and burn down someone else's property!


    Sharing the festive spirit there Robert!

  • icon

    I send an email card via Yahoo


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