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New ‘Let it, don’t forget it’ fire safety campaign launched

A new fire safety campaign urging private sector landlords and letting agents to always abide by the law and install smoke alarms on every storey of their rented properties has been launched by West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service.

The fire service has created a video calling on landlords to ‘Let it, don’t forget it’, which you can watch by clicking here

The call comes three years on from the tragic deaths of three-year-old Logan Taylor and his brother Jake Casey, aged two, in a house fire on Alder Street, Huddersfield.


The letting agent responsible for the property was jailed in July 2018 for 12 months for failing to fit smoke alarms to the house.


Kamal Bains, then aged 51 and of Stableford Gardens, Birkby, pleaded guilty at Leeds Crown Court on 16 July, 2018, for failing to install smoke alarms, under Section 3 (1) of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, of Exposing Public to Risk.

The fire was believed to have started as consequence of an electrical fault in equipment which was in the young boys’ bedroom. The two boys were asleep in their bedroom when devices including a television set alight and proved fatal for the two boys.

Dave Walton, deputy chief fire officer, said: “This was a desperately tragic case for everyone affected by it and without doubt the boys’ memory will stay with the attending and investigating firefighters for the rest of their lives also.


“On the third year anniversary of the boys’ loss we want to remind landlords and letting agencies of their responsibilities to install smoke alarms on every storey of their rented properties and carbon monoxide alarms in any room containing a solid fuel burning appliance.

“Do not take the risk with people’s lives and do not think that a fire ‘will never happen’ – it could well. If you are a private sector landlord or letting agent then take your responsibilities seriously and take heed of this warning.”

Kamal Bains has since been released from prison.

The Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Regulations 2015, said that private sector landlords are required from 1 October 2015 to have at least one smoke alarm installed on every storey of their properties and carbon monoxide alarms in any room containing a solid fuel burning appliance. The landlord must also make sure the alarms are in working order at the start of each new tenancy.

For further information on government regulations, click here

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    The last sentence, '' at the start of each new tenancy'' then the tenant disables the smoke alarm because every time he burns the toast does the alarm go off, '' you can lead a horse to water, you cannot make it drink '' !

    • 01 March 2019 10:40 AM

    That is because the incorrect type of detector has been used.
    Kitchens should have heat detectors.
    The other detectors need to be sited away from kitchen areas.
    Though this is made increasingly difficult as open plan living occurs.
    Personally I can't stand the idea of the kitchen not being closed off from the remainder of the property.
    But if possible site smoke detectors as far away from kitchen areas as possible.
    You can now obtain detectors which come with irremovable batteries which last about 10 years.
    But there is always a risk of tenants tampering with detectors when all they should do is test and replace batteries as required if possible.
    Most detectors have a shelf life and will need to be periodically replaced.
    That is a logistics nightmare for any LL with a large number of properties.
    Essentially an accurate list of location and expiry date of each detector is required.
    It is for that reason that a LL might consider hard wired detectors though even those have an expiry date!!
    Plus they all have backup batteries incase the power fails.
    The more you delve into it the more a LL must realise that just fitting a detector isn't the end of the matter.
    Far from it.
    All detectors must be in date and fully operational.
    A LL needs to retain comprehensive records as far as detectors are concerned.
    The important point being that investing in good quality detectors and managing them effectively is actually good for business.
    Detectors tend to keep tenants alive cos dead tenants DON'T tend to pay rent!!
    Plus early warning of fire by detectors is usually resolved by the tenant so saving the property.
    Believe me a modern home is full of fire hazards from the humble mobile phone charger to the innocuous fridge freezer!!
    These appliances new and old are out to kill you and do so with regularity.
    Effective detectors really are worthwhile having for a wide variety of reasons

  • icon

    more wasted money


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