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Landlord refused entry to his property rumbles cannabis farm

A landlord refused entry to a property he owned has tipped off police who discovered a cannabis farm in the Nottinghamshire house.

Two men in their 40s were arrested at the scene after the landlord attended the property, could not gain access, but then could smell cannabis.

Some 200 plants were being grown at the property and the electricity had been bypassed. 


Neighbourhood Policing Inspector Amy English says: “Not only was this successful in the sense that drugs have been taken out of the hands of criminals who would have profited from their sale, but it also prevents and disrupts subsequent criminal activity related to drug dealing networks.

“Some people may think that cannabis growing is a victimless crime but quite frankly, they’re wrong. The production and distribution of drugs has a detrimental impact on communities and ruins lives. It can also often be linked to more serious organised crime and violence.

“Not only is cannabis growing illegal but it can also be extremely dangerous due to the fire risk, especially if people are living in adjoining properties.

"The production and supply of drugs have a hugely detrimental impact and we remain committed to doing all we can to bring those involved in the supply of such drugs to justice as well as preventing harmful drugs from hitting the streets.


"We will continue to target offenders who blight our communities with drugs. Information from the public is vital in helping us crack down on drug crime and I'd urge anyone with any information about suspected drug-related activity in their community to get in touch with us. You will be listened to and we will investigate the matter.

"If you spot something out of the ordinary in your area or have any concerns please report them to Nottinghamshire Police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. In an emergency, dial 999."

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  • icon

    What do the Regulators expect when they are the sole cause of the problem. They have excluded the LL from the Property making sure he cannot know what’s going on. Then fine the LL’s for breaches of Management Regulations that they made sure of to leave him with no instrument to effectively deal with any issues. This used never ever happen before their interference, congratulations.

  • icon
    • 23 March 2021 12:30 PM

    Michael - Very well said.
    Quite right.


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