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Generation Rent demands Labour make “all evictions discretionary”

New demands from the Generation Rent group go much further than the original Renters Reform Bill in removing landlords’ rights.

The group - led by chief executive Ben Twomey, a former Labour local candidate - sets out the demands in a new manifesto.

This is for the next government but strongly follows some recent Labour thinking on the future of the private rental sector.


In particular it wants to heavily reduce any rights for a landlord to evict a tenant.

It says: “Landlords should be obliged to offer the tenant first refusal on the property before proceeding with an eviction. Landlords should have to prove it is their true intention to move or sell to a court as part of the process, with all evictions discretionary [our emphasis].”

It goes on to say that there should be a two year no-let period on any property which has seen a landlord need eviction. 

It also claims that “last year 300,000 tenants were evicted when they challenged an unaffordable rent increase” adding: “This demonstrates that landlords will be able to hike up tenants’ rents to force them out when the ban Section 21 is introduced. To prevent this, the loophole must be closed through in-tenancy rent rises being capped to prevent tenants being forced out by the back door.”

The Generation Rent demands go on: “For landlords who claim to be selling their property or moving in a relative in order to gain possession, a no re-let period of 24 months should apply, as an effective deterrent to abuse. 

“If the tenant wishes to stay in the property during the sale, landlords and mortgage lenders must be permitted and mandated to sell with the tenant in situ if selling to another landlord. 

“If a home is being bought by an owner occupier, then there should also be a 24 month no-let period.”

The rest of the Generation Rent manifesto makes familiar reading to those who have followed the process of the ill-fated Renters Reform Bill.

The activist group wants:

“Ending unfair evictions - Renters are waiting for an end to Section 21 no fault evictions which landlords can use to unfairly kick them out, denying them security in their homes”; 

“Stamp out illegal evictions - Local councils must have a legal duty, and proper resources available, to investigate and prosecute landlords who illegally evict tenants”;

“Open-ended tenancies - All tenancies should be open-ended for all tenants, so they can leave when they need to and can expect to stay as long as they like”;

“Safe, healthy and decent homes - The legal standards around safety and quality should be the same in all tenures, including in temporary accommodation (as well as privately rented and social housing)”;

“Landlord Register - There should be mandatory national registration of all private landlords, agents, and rented properties”;

“Rent controls - An affordable home is increasingly out of reach for many, with high rents pushing more and more people into financial hardship”;

“Deposit Reform - The government should implement a passporting system, allowing tenants to automatically transfer the value of their deposit to their next tenancy”;

“Green homes fit for the future, and an end to fuel poverty - All rented homes should be brought up to an Energy Performance Certificate rating of C or above”;

“A welfare system that supports safe, secure, affordable homes - Local Housing Allowance must be unfrozen and made immediately available to any tenant when they need to claim this”;

“Private Renters to Have Control Over Their Homes - Accessing Disabled Facilities Grants should be made simpler to ensure tenants can stay in their homes and get adaptations quickly, especially with the increasing number of elderly and disabled private tenants”;

“End Discrimination in Renting - End ‘Right to Rent’ and nationality requirements for social housing. There should be no immigration checks in licensing or enforcement regimes”;

“Renters Right to Organise - Renters have a right to join a union and must not face retaliatory action from landlords for doing so. Unions should be consulted proactively by the government, and given a seat at the table when making decisions that will affect renters”;

“Improve access to justice for private renters - Legal aid for housing cases should be restored and extended to cover legal costs challenging disrepair in court.”

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  • George Dawes


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    Ben Twomey has been taking something that, if it isn’t illegal, should be. 😉 He is living in a different world to the rest of us. One where he and Polly Bleat reign supreme. 😂

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    Generation Rent didn't need to list all their demands. They could have summed them up with one: introduce legislation which will completely end the private rental sector.

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    Makes my blood boil.

    Whose property is it? I would prefer to be a tenant going forward. No stress. Chances to earn compensation everywhere. Invest my money to pay the rent. If of course I can be bothered to pay. I think I might invest that too…

    Richard LeFrak

    Well Nick, I think this guy seems to be in cloud cuckoo land. Implement that and see PRS come to an end, no one in their right mind would rent property to any tenant irrespective of them being good, bad or indifferent.

    This is a bit like buying a car and the guy next door drives round in it because he just decided he can....

  • Sarah Fox-Moore


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    What they should do- is fork out all their monies and but LOADS of properties and then they can do what the ffff they wish. GE r absolutely as said above delusional.

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    Or if they want all those right, they could just buy their own home. If that legislation is passed there would be no rental homes, all LL would have sold up. That's what I'd do for my 11 houses homing families, many with young children if those demands become the law.


    Do it now Wendy... Whilst you still can!


    Totally agree Wendy, I have a few more than 11 and if all that becomes legislation when Labour get in next year, I'll be selling the lot.

    Due to possible EPC C I have already tried to sell 2 to the tenants last year but they are not in a position to buy.

    I probably should follow Shane's advice and sell all now while prices are still high but trying to hang on as long as possible.

    Not buying any more houses, been putting the money into high interest accounts now for the last year, healthy returns and so much less hassle.

    I wish I could call Twoomy and tell him what I thought of his policies, but bet I'd never get put through to him

    Only things I agree with is:
    Deposits being passed along (minus any deductions)

    Housing benefit needs to be updated. I have very few HB tenants and will never take them on but peoples situations change.

    Tenants should be allowed to buy (at market value, If I'm selling, But that would depend on the state of the property, Id rather renovate and sell at a higher price).

    Other than that, as said he is living in cloud cookoo land and like Polly Bleat, will be responsible for making a lot more people homeless.

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    A manifesto written by morons. We just need to hope that the new government (which will be made up of another bunch of morons) have slightly more intelligence than to implement this madness!

    I can’t see anyone with even half a brain would become a landlord going forward even if some of these are adopted. Much easier to put your money into Ftse100 index fund and sit on the beach, making the same money!

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    Generation rent has been smoking that funny stuff again.

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    At the time the Big Boys quietly taking over with their high rise far more expensive boxes in the Sky while we keep squabbling and no one attacking them not a murmur.

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    Served with a S21 with no stated fault means a council has responsibility to house the tenant. That is never mentioned but is the reason so many councils have supported its abolition simply because they haven’t got the properties.

    Richard LeFrak

    100% True and been on the wrong end of that too.

  • icon

    Generation Rent should stop ranting and start building! If they want Landlords to be charities perhaps we we should be given charity status and be able to collect donations from the public!!!

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    I remember when tenants who hadn’t paid rent for a couple of months ( because my relative died or similar reason) would just do a midnight flit which solved the problem.


    I had a good few of them years back, just pleased to see the back of them when they went

    Richard LeFrak

    Problem is Jan trying to get 82'' TV in the back of a small hatchback is hard work so sit tight until someone tells you to go.

    Councils problem then.


    That is because back then you might have had a chance to get the money from them. Now it is often throwing good money after bad trying to recover anything . And they know it, so don't feel the need to disappear in the night.

  • icon

    😂 The lefties make me laugh 👍🏻. Never a dull day when they speak.

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    This guy is a Communist - look around buddy, plenty of examples of where that's going to get you.

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    When the PRS finally killed off with all these demands it will be interesting to see whether these activists take on the Corporates!
    I wouldn’t be surprised if the Corporates are actually funding Generation Rant!

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    A no re-let period of 24 months who does he and generation rant think will be a landlord if that’s implemented?

    What communist nutters.

    Their hammer and sickle ☭ in the head.

    Jerks like Benjaminge and Generation ranter’s reform bill lobbyist geeks have forgot free market & capitalism is what gave them the freedom of speech to make such absurd statements & manifesto’s.

    Benjaminge & and Generation leftie’s should be careful what they wish for, imagine how they would whinge if socialism was implemented and they had to go and work in a field instead of sitting in a cushy office think tank meeting sipping latte’s and scoffing falafel’s for lunch moaning about private landlords.

    They would be the first people to end up in the gulags.

    Rant over 😁

  • icon

    This idiots deluded plan will destroy the PRS, render thousands homeless and without doubt land him and his commi pals in the High Court.

  • Rob NorthWest-Landlord

    Despite the high tax payment I'd face selling up if a fraction of these ridiculous ideas get beyond the green paper stage that's what I'd do. I'd try and sell over at least two tax years, maybe three to reduce the burden if that would help, but sell up I would.

    I was already considering selling the oldest terrace if the EPC proposals went ahead. I'm not paying to try and make a 100 year old house energy efficient when it's prohibitively costly - and the same property owned by a council or housing trust would be exempt!!

  • icon

    No lets for 2 years after a tenant has been evicted for non payment or trashing the place? The only option would be to sell then they'll be no more rental properties left. Is that what they want? Are they so stupid to think that will mean millions of tenants will then be able to buy those properties? Completely delusional.

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    What planet are they on?? There will be no PRS so where are all the current tenants going to live?

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    I agree with discretionary, my house my disgretion!

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    I don't want to sell any thing I'm in it for the long haul, however there is no way I'm spending thousands on 100 yr old properties to save 100 pounds a yr in heating costs, that would be pure madness

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    leave whenever i want and stay for as long as I want, we should have the same law for employment and prime ministers jobs

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    Hopefully they will realise that as soon as you implement price controls or anything that constrains supply, everybody immediately charges the maximum they possibly can in order to hedge against the future. I believe that is already happening as landlords contemplate future legislation and demand goes up due to immigration. I notice that in my neck of the woods, rents on new leases have gone up at least 25% over the last couple of years, albeit from a very low base.


    Exactly what I have done. about 2 years ago I started putting up my rents as much as I can. This is to try and bring my rents up to market value and in anticipation of more expensive times ahead.

  • icon

    We obviously do not know how much influence GR have with politicians. However, the mere fact that these extreme "demands" are being aired is an ill omen indeed. Provocateurs will be bending ears, whispering incessantly and steering opinions. Politicians are "useful idiots", especially so when there's an election. So, it's more likely than not, that the PRS is in for a very rough ride; in my opinion it will be castrated.
    We no longer have real leaders, Statesmen/Women who see the big picture. Inexperienced sycophants are parachuted into Departments where they bask under the sobriquet of "Minister".
    They possess zero expertise or experience themselves but come with an abundance of prejudices, courtesy of "pressure" groups and are then "influenced" by the woke mandarins in the Civil Service.
    Further fuel is added by the attack dogs in the mainstream media, stirring the pot, goading and fishing for their next soundbite. Tomorrows headlines and the rolling news cycle are omnipresent. This is a toxic combination and results in exceedingly poor policies.

    The Tories were woeful but the Labour Party will utterly decimate this sector.

  • icon

    I fear however their demands may become Government policy after the election.
    Any Landlord with sence will sell up now, before our properties are stolen.
    I have sold most of mine after 42 years of letting

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    Generation "Rant" website says "TOGETHER WE CAN END UNFAIR EVICTIONS". Unfair on whose point of view, Ben Toostupid's point of view. He may win for a short time, what 2 years??
    He already is and will be one of the biggest cause of homelessness, that UK has seen so far. I am doing up my property to sell within the next 2 months, now the tenant has left. Other 2 tenants leaving in October and November, that will be sold, as notice given. Most probably 4 to 5 properties will be sold within the next 14 months. Others are all student properties are usually let for 1 to 2 years. Always get students in 2nd or 3rd year or studying for their masters, a mixed group.

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    If any government listens to this jerk's ranting and puts it into practice will find their policies will rebound and the councils will have to find funding for homelessness very rapidly. The government will face a lot of problems and heavy duty outcry from the public within 2 years of bringing such legislation, just because they listen to the ranting of Ben toostupid. The government need to close down charities who do not use their donations to genuinely assist the homeless, by providing homes or paying their rent to get them out of temporary problems.

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    Ben Toostupid will be the cause of, if he has not already been, to increase even heavier rents, as when the big boys have no competition from PRS, they will increase rents with good justification of the staffing with less maintenance and administration.
    He is clearly doing this to be on his payroll, without really helping the homeless. He is totally delusional.

  • icon

    PI55ED of Landlord you are not alone you have thousands of Comrades incl’ me. Thousand's more on the way as soon as they are required to license but not because of the license but because of the outrageous, unfair, un warranted
    impossible, totally unnecessary terms & conditions imposed on landlords that’s beyond his control even expected to do what the Police couldn’t do, when you get those totally unnecessary out of order draconian terms & conditions you’ll be hitting the Auction rooms or the grave yard they don’t want you to live.


    I completely agree Michael. Selective Licensing is a scourge and nothing more than a cash c o w for local authorities. Unnecessary stipulations and exhorbitant fees are shamelessly imposed; we are easy pickings just like motorists.
    I was poised for an exit when the nonsensical EPC C was mandated. My Victorian properties are all D, no way I'm forking out £000's and wrecking the buildings too. Then Sunak hit the breaks but Labour are going to go full on with EPC and all the other "demands" will creep in too.
    No thanks, they can all get fooked.

  • icon

    Its definitely no longer PRS it now Councils Residential Property / CRS there’s 3 pages of Anti-landlord Terms & Conditions to ensure this is the case and no rights whatsoever ever allowed.

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    So when will Gen Rent and Shelter along with MP’s start explaining where they propose housing all the homeless people they are creating?
    It is all very well trying to get rid of the “uncaring “ PRS but they need to explain how it will be replaced NOW not in a few years time!

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    There’s only one good condition about licensing which is when you die it dies with you but you must notify them you are dead
    The licensing term & conditions are outrageous and totally out of order. They are certainly creating more and more homeless obviously its their intention no other explanation,

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    How come we never hear about statistics surrounding all these people being evicted for absolutely no fault of anything they did. Let's get some actual statistics in the mix. I can't believe there are very many tenants being booted out at the landlords whim. How can the whole PRS be brought to its knees based on the unfair treatment of a few hundred unfair evictions? It's the tail wagging the dog!


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