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George Galloway slams “wealthy buy to let pensioners”

Controversial politician George Galloway has issued a party manifesto saying the payment of “exorbitant rents to wealthy buy to let pensioners” is not sustainable.

Galloway - who in he past has been an MP for both the Labour and Respect parties - now leads the Workers Party of Britain.

Its manifesto refers to ‘the scandal of young people not being able to afford their own homes or (at the least) having automatic access to fair rent social housing expresses the utter failure of neo-liberal capitalism.” 


Galloway - who won the Rochdale by-election in February of this year for the Workers Party - goes on to say: “Even the children of the well-off upper middle classes now pay exorbitant rents to wealthy buy-to-let ‘pensioners’. In many cases, with the collapse of the welfare state and numerous pension fund robberies, investment in property became the safest place to plan for your retirement. This situation is not sustainable. 

“Our birth rate is falling because families start later and with less resources. This then encourages business interests to clamour for more migrants who put even greater pressure on limited and deteriorating housing stock.”

He says his party will end this “catastrophe for young people and families”. It will “begin a programme of social housing that will over-ride all unnecessary planning constraints. We will be prepared for the compulsory expropriation of all unused land banks and the fast-tracking of permits. We will end the scandal of sub-standard buy-to-let as the default policy of a failed political class by ensuring the right to buy or transfer of such assets to local authorities.”

Galloway’s manifesto makes no reference to rent controls but goes on to say: “We will tighten up further on any eviction action that is not based on anti-social behaviour towards neighbours and the community. We will also get tough on noise pollution, anti-social behaviour in general and use of property for criminal purposes. We will continue to democratise the ownership and responsibilities of multi-ownership dwellings. We will, however, guarantee the right to independent home ownership and social mobility that can release social housing stock for those starting out on the housing ladder.”

Elsewhere in the manifesto, the Workers Party pledges to “ensure working class representation throughout the governance of the Bank of England”; to “campaign for Britain to leave NATO”; and the “reversal of policies aimed at deindustrialisation” while “exploring innovative demands for workers control and participation in the future of industry through our trade unions.”

It also argues for selection nationalisation and claims that “the greatest block to working class aspirations is not the Conservative Party but the Labour party itself.”  

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  • icon

    This diatribe not worth commenting upon!


    You are right there. He's even contradicted himself by suggesting people need property to provide an income in retirement.

  • Sarah Fox-Moore

    Oh so scrap Property Rights eh?
    "Take it of you to give it to them" er....no.

  • icon

    Galloway 😂😂 🐈‍⬛. Enough said.

  • icon

    He leads the workers party of Britain but has never had a proper job himself. Complains working families can’t afford property but doesn’t tell them, that once he’s helped them to get their property, he will then vilify that same family for being “wealthy”.

    And there lies the hypocrisy of these lefty politicians. They hate people with money (obviously it’s ok for them to have it though), so while they promise more money will go to the poor - if they ever dare to progress and lift themselves out of poverty - the very same leftists will despise them and claim they’re exploiting the have nots.

  • icon

    This is one of the worst human beings in the UK. This despicable man has zero morals. He loves kissing the backside of the most disgusting regimes in the world. Thankfully, he's a nobody and will never be a factor in the British politics.

  • icon

    George is right he usually is in that he has an identified the root of the problem - the planning system in this country. A pity he does not recognise the contribution of the private rented sector. If the dead hand of planning was removed, there would be probably enough Housing for everyone supplied by the private sector. Why does everyone think the inefficient incompetent social sector is the answer?

    The rest is probably rhetoric to appeal to his voter base.

    Jim Haliburton the HMO daddy

  • icon

    Whay a diatribe of bilge.

    Why can't he go off, find Rula Lenska and be her cat again. He would be more useful to society that way.

    Richard LeFrak

    Agreed Nick,

    The guy admits after pensions had been plundered (Labour and he was a part of it) people invested in bricks. I know a few landlords who made decent money but to be honest probably could have made more in Stocks, Shares or Tracker Funds. However getting access to them or decent advice was not around until the last few years.

    Socialist idiot that is Galloway playing up to the gallery with only a few listening to him. Utter Joker


    I have worked out I could have made more in tracker funds. So that's my main strategy. Doing quite well atm. I worked out I lost hundreds of thousands being a landlord. It's better too do it all tax free. Tax is a killer. Along with those D heads in Westminster printing money all the time I get taxed on money I don't make in CGT and lack of mortgage relief.


    Yeah, if I'd invested in Amazon, Apple and Tesla instead of property, I would have made 10 times more money wouldn't be worrying about epcs and all the other garbage that goes with this industry.

  • George Dawes

    Once a lefty always a lefty

  • icon

    No mention of unfettered immigration causing supply issues forcing up rents then

  • icon

    Birth rate might be falling BUT it’s made up of all the migrants popping over from frog land.,


    Who bring their ten children with them.

  • icon

    Mr George Galloway if you want rid of Pensioners letting properties why not remove Capital gains for pensioners to exit, you can have the lot then do what you want with them. This is not helping your election chances is your foot sore.

  • icon

    BTL seemed the only "safe" option, for many who had no golden handshake or generous pension. Expat Brits are not allowed to invest in ISSA scemes. We do not get pension inceases, but are stuck on the amount on tn the day of the first claim. We pay tax on any rent with only examption for repairs and miantenance, and the almost worthless insurance - if you claim your premium shoots up and further claims for similar events are exempted - CGT if we sell and make any profit on the original purchase price. There is no recompense for damage done to a property by a tenant, no relief for mortgage interest....but landlords, who provide low cost housing at LHA rates for those often unfortunate poeple , are evil criminals.

  • Robert Black

    Couldn't have put it better myself

  • Robert Black

    Not to mention threatening rent controls which forces landlords to put up rents in case they get caught out and cannot put up rents in the future


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