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Hammered! NRLA's new partnership with online auctions specialist

The National Residential Landlords Association has entered into a partnership with SDL Property Auctions.

SDL sells a wide range of properties in its live streamed National Property Auctions and online Timed Auctions from, vacant houses and building plots, to commercial buildings and development opportunities. 

The NRLA claims its members will be at the front of the queue for investment opportunities, benefitting from an online platform for the buying and selling of residential and commercial properties; access to monthly online auctions; and so-called Timed Auctions, which are available on SDL Property Auctions’ website every day.


This partnership is the latest in a series of new agreements the NRLA has recently reached with specialist organisations.

Association chief executive Ben Beadle says: “Our new relationship with SDL Property Auctions will ensure our members will be first to benefit from an efficient, effective service provided by a genuine market leader in this area.

“SDL Property Auctions’ expertise in property auctions complements the other top-notch services offered by our other partners perfectly, and we can’t wait to begin working with them.”

And Andrew Parker, SDL managing director, adds: “We’re delighted to be partnering with the NRLA to provide its growing membership with access to transparent and secure property auctions services.

“We can assist landlords achieve fast and faff-free property sales and purchases to effectively manage their portfolios, whether that’s residential or commercial properties anywhere in the UK.”

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  • icon

    This appears to be designed to enable small landlords to sell, but it would be better if the NRLA argued for policies which would enable small landlords to remain for example the retention of fixed term tenancies.

  • icon

    This reinforces the mushrooming view that the NRLA is nothing more than a corporate trader profiting from the managed and manipulated decline of the PRS.

  • icon

    What is Bungling Boy Beadle’s favourite song?

    I will give you a clue, it’s an ABBA song:


  • icon

    As usual NRLA lining their own pockets. They do NOT work for us. Probably the big boys will be the buyers at these auctions!

  • H D
    • H D
    • 18 June 2024 09:48 AM

    Bradley's latest brainwave. I cancelled my subscription years ago.

  • icon
    • A S
    • 18 June 2024 10:50 AM

    It all comes down to how Beadle is measured. If his contract is worded with terms such as his bonus is based on the revenue increase that NRLA achieves over a specific time period, then he's doing a great job. You can be sure his bonus won't be based on member satisfaction scores!

  • Richard LeFrak

    Only a few more days of being a member then it’s gone. The guy is completely against landlords and represents not a single one of us.

  • icon

    I have just refused to renew my membership to NRLA. Reasons? - too many to note here but mainly I feel membership has been a waste of my money.


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