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Labour plans three big housing announcements within a fortnight

If Labour wins Thursday’s General Election. expect three major housing announcements within a fortnight.

That’s the exclusive claim from the Sunday Times - which yesterday became the latest newspaper to declare itself for Labour. 

The paper says one of the announcements will be a draft National Planning Policy Framework, which will reinstate the local housing targets abandoned by Housing Secretary Michael Gove last year.


The second will be a local authority-led review of the Green Belt: Labour has already suggested it will allow selective‘unattractive’ parts to be built on for housing.

The Times says this will involve local authorities setting up regular review periods, nominating parts of the Green Belt appropriate for development. 

The third announcement will involve a so far unspecified new affordable house building programme.

Beyond that, Labour will announce plans to recruit some 300 new planning officers and give details of a ‘first dibs’ scheme to prioritise local first time buyers when new housing schemes go on sale. 

Party leader Sir Kier Starmer says that if Labour wins he wants to “hit the ground running” on housing policy, and may cut short the traditional six week Parliamentary summer recess to begin legislation.

The newspaper - which carried a joint interview with Starmer and shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves - makes no reference to the controversial Renters Reform Bill, which Labour has pledged to reintroduce with stronger tenant powers than in the original proposal.

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  • George Dawes

    Youll own nothing

    Theyll own everything

    Tough luck, you voted for this

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    It doesn't matter which house you vote for you, the politicians always win. If you vote Labour the state owns everything. If you vote Tory the uber rich continue their march towards owning everything. Either way the vast majority of us end up with nothing. When you have your face pressed into the mud by a boot on your neck, it doesn't really matter if its a left boot or a right boot!


    Completely agree, that is why i will give Reform a chance with my vote

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    They’ll own everything and their Landlords will own nothing.
    It’s a good job Politicians are silent for a change and wouldn’t it be great if NRLA could be silent for a while instead of repeatedly doing harm.
    They are more concerned about the one and half million people milking the System than the two and a half million Landlords they are supposed to Represent.
    It now hard to find a Tenant that’s not Claiming something.
    Those are the ones that run to the Council to complain about everything to get their landlords fined that’s well documented, get of your backside and your keyboard buy your own.


    Yes that's my experience. I had benefit claimants. Therefore they live off of others, and don't have a lot of money. A landlord is a pontential source of income through compensation. Also upgrading the property is seen as being free for the tenant so they want 'more'. They after all aren't paying for anything. No doubt some harbour resentment to their landlord that they own their home rather than themselves.

    Some benefit tenants are of course perfectly respectable and some find them in that position through no fault of their own. Some however are their just to milk the system.

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    ….. And so it begins 😱🫣

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    We live in alarming times. If the left go too far come the next election there could be a swing to the far right as is happening in France and other parts of Europe.


    Yes I agree, we need to be thinking ahead to the next election, things could swing the other way (so to speak). None of them get that however bad it is for landlords, it will be worse for tenants.


    A swing to the right would be fine by me :)


    Why are the left ALWAYS the left, but the right are the FAR right? 🤔


    I've noticed that. We never see far left. Too many lefty organisations in the MSM doing the reporting.

    Richard LeFrak

    With the most of Europe voting right and the UK about to make a statement about with Reform the politicians should listen. Not one of the main parties has listened to the guy on the street, Farage for all his faults has and using it to good effect.

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    • G W
    • 01 July 2024 08:22 AM

    Some predictions in line with the Labour Party ‘independent housing review’ hidden in their manifesto….
    1. Increase CGT to a level landlords won’t want to sell.
    2. Impose more regulations changes that landlords have no way of avoiding including rent caps
    3. Landlords can only sell to landlords (in the report)… this will drop values 50%
    4. Government or big companies buy at 50 %


    My conscience will be clear since I will be voting REFORM.

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    They are going to destroy the country. Leftys are wired up with connections in their brain that send signals of jealousy/envy and other toxic feelings. They're sick people that seek the destruction of their own countries through mass migration all because they'd rather see damage than seek to improve their own lives. They don't have the ambition or ability to make something of themselves so would rather drag others down.


    Perfectly put Dani


    Well said. If I had my way I would wipe them all out. They are a terrible stain on our society. It's good they exist to provide some 'balance' but these Lefties are mad. I think they may get one term and then get voted out.

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    If the Lefties drag the country down too far this will kill off aspiration. Builders won’t get out of bed in the morning to build the 1.5 million homes Labour want to build if they are taxed to the hilt. Labour say they want to be the friend of business to encourage growth. I can’t see that happening. Business can only flourish in a Capitalist environment.


    Surely you mean the far left?🤔


    Annoyed Landlord - Yes I do mean far left.


    Agree. We have the likes of Sadiq Khan who suggested that builders who want to avoid ULEZ should get public transport :)))) So they are going to take loads of heavy tools to work on tubes and buses in rush hour??? They are so daft sometimes.

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    • A S
    • 01 July 2024 11:42 AM

    Agree with everything said.

    I urge everyone to watch a short animation (12 minutes) on Youtube called "The Jones Plantation". Illustrates perfectly the illusion of voting and the difference between "left" and right" (spoiler alert, there isn't any!).

  • Jaeger  Von Toogood

    And the UK sleep walks into another nightmare!

    Vote Reform uk 🇬🇧

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    My Goodlord really a Template for Tenants to send to their landlord well you know where you can shove that you won’t be Renting from me.
    Also they are still banging on about the Renters Reform Bill trying to bring it back on the Agenda and our landlord Association cosying up to them, time for the collusion to stop.

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    Of course I agree there are many respectable people on Benefits they know they are on a good thing like many working Tenants who are on cheap rent from their landlord and if I was on it I’d be as nice as pie.

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    When all said and done we are being replaced by the Big Boys they are Building thousands of Flats & Duplex’s in London.
    For example 5 multi story Blocks packed in like sardines on former Alperton Bus depot, or Hanger Lane, roundabout 600/ 700 of them you can buy one for £500k. Look around you North South East and West they are g up


    Unfortunately Yes-Sardines homes are going up in Khan’s covered areas.
    Vote 🗳️ for Reform and Britain First to actually put Britain 🇬🇧 First.
    Patriotism is not racism.

    Those who don’t vote Reform and put Great Britain First, or don’t vote at all, only have themselves to blame for letting Cons/Conservatives and Lies/Liebour ruin not just PRS sector but your future generations lives too by making them a slave of EU/mandatory to join and obey EU Army.
    Lest we forget.

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    After living outside of the UK for over 15 years, Ive been excluded for voted for many years. Apparently Sunac is so desperate for votes, he is going to let me vote this year.

    Looking at which party is going to be worse for me, I really can not justify voting for any of them.

    The Conservatives have screwed us over so much, I cant vote for them, Labour will kill off the PRS, I don't believe a word that comes out of Ferages mouth. I really don't have anyone to vote for, none of them are worth the price of a first class stamp. They are all out to abolish the PRS.

    Looking at the overwhelming prediction for Labour to get in, we are all screwed. I should have started selling a year or 2 ago ago when the writing was on the cards. Unfortunately I like my tenants and didn't want to make them homeless in a time that a lot of landlords are selling up.

    Come the 4th of July, I may have to make a very tough decision to sell some houses. Some because tenants are behind on rent, others due to EPC C.

    Either way, the tenants will loose out on nice houses and then maybe the government will have to pick up the bill for re housing them

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    Farage is the best of a bad bunch. At least he’s right wing. Reform can only drag politics back to somewhere sensible.

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    It's really sad that a government can turn an asset into a liability. That's what labour could do. They set impossible EPC standards, that means thousands need to be spent on each property. Then they impose rent controls with a ''buy-to-right'' clause, based on a market value assessed by a government official. Imagine that. Literally the property crashes in value over night.

    I hope my thinking is OTT, genuinely but Starmer has shown in the debates a different side to him. He's an appalling man. A complete, dishonest liar. He'll shamelessly say anything and delibrately say nonsense like ''smash the gangs'' as if this has not been tried. He was so outclassed by Sunak in the last debate that any voter with half a brain cell would not vote for him. If you think the bench is any better, you have the likes of David Lammy, Angela Raynor, Lisa Nandy. These are some of the lowest calibre people in terms of intelligence to ever stand office. We will be led by total idiots and idiots are capable of doing very idiotic things.

    Keep your eyes open, because of the talks progress in the direction I have mentioned above, get your properties on the market before it's too late. I would rather evict my tenants, pay the council tax and and sell as high as possible. I'd look into moving country to limit capital gains tax if possible.

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    Just sold my 1st rental property,exchanging at the end of the week
    Didn’t want to but the future doesn’t look good for landlords
    Soon as my tenants of 4 years decided to leave I was onto my agent to get the ‘for sale’ sign up
    Shame but a no brainer really

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    Dani, isn’t that exactly what they done with our Deposits courtesy of Shelter when they told a big whopper, they turned the protection of a Deposit into a liability, just imagine give them back 3 Deposits that you never got + the Deposit if you didn’t join one of their Ponzi schemes, which is why I stopped taking them congratulations more damage to PRS.

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    Selling properties would be the best option, but cannot sell whole portfolio with some fixed rate interest mortgages. I have passed one for sale with the tenant, so it will be sold to an investor. There are still great many investors looking. They do not understand what is coming soon. A second property is being refurbished as it has become empty and then will go on sale. A third has been passed to an agent for sale. 4th will go on the market after 6 months. Changes to CGT will happen before long but surely they will come into effect from next April. So we have 9 months to complete.


    Yes, better anyone with any kind of wealth leave the UK until the electorate finally get through to their thick brains that this left wing politics of envy doesn't work.

    Europe seems to be heading in the right direction.


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