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No Surprise! Landlords have little faith in parties’ rental policies

With the General Election just one week away, a new poll shows the top landlord priorities when it comes to voting and politics.

Almost two thirds of landlords (62%) have decided who they’re voting for already, with one third (31%) still undecided. 

However it seems that even the 62% of decisive voters aren’t feeling optimistic about what they’re voting for. When asked which party has the best approach to housing policy, 30% said none of them, followed by 27% who were unsure. 


20% said the Conservative housing policy was the best, followed by 10% in favour of Labour and Reform just behind on 9%. 7% of landlords even said they wouldn’t be voting in this election.

Some 84% said they’d be influenced by policies outlined in the private renting sector, and 83% said they’d be inclined to vote for a party that reinstated tax relief for landlords.

The housing crisis (61%) came third in a list of key issues to be addressed by the government, with landlords putting the NHS (70%) and Cost of Living Crisis (64%) ahead of housing.

When it comes to the priority actions landlords want to see the new government implement, top of the list was ‘reinstate tax reliefs for private landlords’ (73%), followed by ‘get rid of 3% stamp duty for second homes if they are rental properties’ (65%) and ‘retain Section 21’ (63%).

Meanwhile, a separate poll asked renters what they considered most important in a flatmate, and it turns out that partying comes ahead of politics when it comes to flatmate-hunting. ‘Similar political views’ came fourteenth in the list of priorities with just 9% of people citing this as an important characteristic - falling well behind the likes of having a ‘similar attitude to having a house party/quiet house’ (57%) and similar standards of cleanliness (78%).

The surveys were conducted by flatshare website SpareRoom and a spokesperson says: “Based on the data it seems that only around 30% of landlords are confident in their vote next week. Whilst more than twice as many have already decided which party to vote for, the stats indicate a discrepancy between landlords knowing who they’re going to vote for, and landlords believing in the housing policies of the party they’ll be voting for. Either way, the General Election is prime time for both landlords and renters to have their say and drive for change.”

The studies were conducted amongst 768 live-out landlords and 3,234 renters.

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  • icon

    As if anyone is surprised 😲. None of them will assist us, we are a perfect “ whipping boy “, that will never change whist they fail to build enough housing….. aka…. They will NEVER build enough. Like it or not this is as good as it gets, and of course, it can always get worse 🫣

  • icon

    Whichever Party get in - most likely the red Brigade. They will keep hitting us PLL’S with red tape and extra charges. I don’t know why they think this is the answer.


    They’re not looking for an answer, they just need to keep the great unwashed contented for a while, until they forget what a mess they’re in.

  • icon

    I find it difficult to believe that 30% in this survey, support Tory and Labour housing policies. Are they raving mad?🤪


    Annoyed Landlord - yes they must be. Unbelievable any Landlord would vote Labour!

  • Richard LeFrak

    Glad I am not there to vote....

  • icon

    I can't justify voting for any of them. The Tories have screwed us over time and time again. Labour will be like a wrecking ball and destroy what is left of the PRS.

    There's no way in my right mind that I could vote for Farage. He is full of BS. Suddenly a week before the GE all of these promises come out from the politicians. None of them will keep up their promises.

    Farage was part of the Brexit group which has destroyed the UK economy.


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