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Young people more worried about risk of homelessness - survey

More than one in four young people are worried that they or someone they know will become homeless in the next 12 months, a public attitudes poll claims. 

The study, on behalf of Places for People, has collected the views of 550 young people aged 16 to 24 as part of a wider multi-generational survey of 4,000 UK citizens. 

The study found that young people aged 16 to 24: 


- are among the most concerned that they or someone they know will become homeless in the next 12 months – more than one in four (28%);

- are the least likely to oppose new affordable housebuilding in their area – just one in 10 (10%); and 

- are the least concerned about saving money over the planet when it comes to the energy efficiency of their home (fewer than one in six, 16%). 

On homelessness, over two-thirds (68%) of young people feel social housing should be prioritised for those rough sleeping, sofa surfing or living in unsuitable temporary accommodation. 

Meanwhile, eight in 10 (81%) aged 16 to 24 believe the government should provide more funding to prevent homelessness. This is a multigenerational sentiment, as is the firm shared belief (roughly 78% of all ages) that the Prime Minister should build more social homes to tackle homelessness. 

These sentiments appear linked to the softest opposition among young people to new affordable or social housebuilding in their area, likewise their strong support for mixed communities. More than two-thirds (67%) of young people believe that new housing schemes should include all tenures – including social rent. 

A spokesperson for Places for People says: “It is deeply troubling that young people with their lives ahead of them are among the most worried about becoming homeless. 

“A distinct lack of affordable housing is pricing more and more young people out of buying or renting a quality and secure home to become the bedrock of their future. Worse still, every fourth young person or a friend fears having no home at all within a year. 

“This group deserves a social system which brings them opportunity, not fear. It’s vital the voices of young people are heard by those responsible for shaping the solution to society’s gravest challenges. 

“While our research sets young people apart as being climate conscious, inclusive and socially aware, their overriding message today is crystal clear. 

“We simply must build more of the right homes for the right people, including student accommodation and homes affordable to young people. This will help satisfy a growing demand for housing of all types and lay the foundations for future generations to prosper. Talking is over, it’s time to build.”

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    They are correct in their concerns 🫣🤷‍♂️. It appears though, that Labour are about to pour petrol ⛽️ on an already out of control fire 🔥 😂😂

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    Two things
    No wonder they are afraid as news outlets and social media provide a continuous stream of scare stories. True enough but it is the constant bombardment.
    Second - how to increase numbers by asking "you or someone you know" to widen the field considerably.
    Actually, there is a third. Of course young people want more social housing as rents are below a financially viable number for private rental. That is why people don't move on when they can afford to do so.
    Yes we need more social housing but with a complete change of policy to allocation, charging, maintenance, permanence of residence and stopping right to buy.


    Any family with a joint income of 30k+ should be paying full market rent in social housing, that would make them move on and release more homes for the genuine needy families


    Andrew - £30K joint income would be for part time minimum wage jobs. Even at minimum wage a couple would be on £45K and still have a UC entitlement if they had children. Most people earn more than minimum wage and are capable of working overtime or a second job.
    Personally I think Social Housing rents should be somewhere between LHA and Open Market rent. The security of tenure should be the main attraction not ludicrously low subsidised rent. Whether people chose to move or not would depend on how rooted they were in their Social House. If more viable rents were charged it wouldn't matter if they stayed as Social Housing providers would have sufficient money to build or buy more houses.

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    Locally there is no shortage of shared houses for students and other single young people. The problem comes when they want self contained accommodation either as a single person, couple, or couple with baby and pets and no experience of renting. They make the worst tenants as not used to paying rent and bills and no idea how to look after the place.

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    18-24 are an age group that I will not rent to, more trouble than they are worth


    Especially if they have kids already, worst tenants I ever had, total nightmare

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    You can’t have all the Social Housing you want and security of Tenure and all your grand ideas you like but don’t expect Private Landlords to provide it, or be hood winked into putting himself in this untenable position.

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    There should be more cheaper accommodation available to buy and rent like caravans, mobile homes, shipping containers, tiny homes etc. In this day and age someone should come up with good cheap accommodation. or is it the authorities that make it too difficult?

    • A S
    • 25 June 2024 13:21 PM

    Try getting a broadband connection into a caravan, so the yoof of today can be up all night gaming. That, as well as 'elf and safety will put paid to your otherwise sensible plan!

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    • A S
    • 25 June 2024 13:25 PM

    What has happened to us? I wouldn't have dreamed of living in a shared house when I left home in the 90's. I wanted my own place and supply was plentiful.

    We have gone so far backwards as a society.

    I have more zeros on the end of my bank balance than ever before, yet I don't feel rich. I'm not rich. The value of money has been devalued so much over the years. The whole thing is a scam, an illusion.


    It depends on the compatibility of housemates. If the landlord just lets a vacant room to the first person who wants it the chances are a shared house or HMO will be a fairly miserable, isolated experience. Some of us put huge effort into trying to find new housemates who are likely to be compatible with the existing household.

    Is it better from a mental health point of view to rent a soulless, tiny self contained flat or a room in a huge house with excellent communal space and like-minded housemates?

    • A S
    • 25 June 2024 23:01 PM

    Well Jo, in days gone past, the socialising would have happened in the pub, the leisure centre, down the High St etc., so a home was a place to get away from that and have peace.

    Times change. Now an abode is a place for socialising, working from home, running a side hustle, you name it.

    We obviously have to adapt to the times, however my point was society is poorer for it (as evidenced by soaring crime rates, lack of community cohesion, dumbing down of the populace etc)

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    John. We had all this before they invented all those Regulation, over the top Compliance costs, licensing Schemes, Houses in multiple Occupation, Additional licenses and now Selective licensing. Licence Application fees alone can be £1600.00 or more, Fire risk Assessment £220.00 I had to pay a HMO Application requirement. All this EPC stuff, a whole lot of other Certifications mostly annually. Accreditation Courses, higher fees if you are not a member of an Anti Landlord Association, Section 24, 20% Insurance hike this year don’t forget there’s a 12% tax penalty attached to your Policy Premium.
    John of Course we have good quality affordable accommodation to rent or buy before all this was imposed on us.
    Too many snouts in the trough now having a free ride on our backs.


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