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Political dithering allows tenants to stay a year rent-free

A prominent industry figure has criticised politicians for leaving all sides of the private lettings sector with uncertainty - and allowing tenants to live rent-free for a year if they wish.

The claim comes from Andy Halstead, who is chief executive of HomeLet and Let Alliance.

His comment come alongside his companies’ latest rental index, which shows rents up 0.2% between May and June.


Rents increased the most in Scotland, with a whopping +3.8% in a month. 

Other regions that saw an increase were Northern Ireland (+1.8%), Wales (+1.6%), South East (+1.5%), East of England (+1.2%), West Midlands (+0.4%), North West (+0.3%), East Midlands (+0.2%) and the North East (+0.1%).

Meanwhile rents decreased in Greater London (-1.6%), Yorkshire & Humberside (-0.6%) and South West (-0.3%).

Halstead says: “The data and analysis speak for itself. All stakeholders in the private rental sector are managing their way through turmoil, not least landlords and tenants. Professional letting agents have the most difficult task, balancing the needs of both, whilst working in a political void, with uncertainty everywhere. 

"It is rarely quoted that a tenant can now quite easily occupy a rental property for 12 months or so, without paying a penny in rent. Whilst this is a fact, politicians run away from dealing with the challenge. 

"A viable private rental sector requires support for all stakeholders, including agents and landlords, this still looks like a pipe dream. Rent Guarantee and Legal Protection have never been more important.”

The full breakdown of rent increases, variances and rent-to-income ratios can be found on the HomeLet website.

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  • icon

    Evictions for non payment of rent need to be fast tracked.
    We have huge numbers of people living in completely unsuitable temporary housing while rogue tenants are left to run riot in housing they're not even paying for. It makes life unnecessarily difficult for the already homeless, the Local Authorities, the landlords and is hugely expensive for the general tax payer.

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    I am holding my breath as to what Sir Kneeler and his followers will do 🫣🫣, if they get the majority we think…. God help all landlords ☠️😱


    Their ears are closed, no chance they will do anything constructive. Batten Down to weather a five + yr storm.
    Vote Reform, Join ihowz

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    No one cares but the landlord. They are all about 'levelling up' which to us hard working people translate into 'levelling down' for the lazy and the feckless.

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    We are fooked!

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    I am hoping with a Labour government tenants do not feel emboldened to do as they please. The fact I am saying this saddens me. They have set us against each other to the detriment of both. In years gone by I enjoyed calling at my properties where I was often welcomed in with tea and biscuits. I was also happy to provide little extras and often listen to woes about their love life. I have five close friends who are ex tenants.


    I fear exactly that. The tenants will be more emboldened. We have already had Gove p!55ing I think £500k on a campaign to teach tenants how to complain. As if they need anymore encouragement.


    There will be a certain kind of tenant that will take the P we all know which is why we avoid that kind when selecting new tenants


    Andrew - Of course we are going to be extremely cautious to whom we let to. I would rather have a void than the wrong tenant!


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