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Labour spooking landlords with its attitude to renting - new figures

Just over 40% of landlords say they are undecided on who to vote for on July 4 -  it a bigger proportion are worried about what a Labour government would mean.

When asked how they intend to vote, 41% said they don’t yet know which party they will choose. Nearly a third of landlords (31%) said they will vote Conservative, while 12% said they will choose Labour. 

Slightly more than 5% said they intended to vote for the Liberal Democrats and one-in-10 chose ‘Other’.  


Of the undecided, the largest proportion is those landlords with portfolios of four to 10 properties (35%), while landlords with 20 or more properties make up a quarter. The majority of those undecided operate within a limited company (69%). 

But the survey - by the lender Landbay - also found that nearly half of landlords (48%) have concerns about a potential change of government. 

When explaining their reasoning, respondents described Labour as “anti-landlord” and a potential government offering “too many unknowns”, with many of the policies of the two main parties seeming closely aligned. 

Others said that their vote will go to the party that will reduce the heavy tax burden facing landlords.

One landlord said: “A Labour government will be traditionally landlord unfriendly. Conservative policies of recent years have also been far too punitive to landlords.” 

Another said: “Everyone is anti-landlord. With a lack of affordable housing, we are the scapegoats. They have increased our tax and compliance burden. The left is making it worse.”

The findings form part of a survey which questions landlords on a variety of topics to determine their attitude and intentions. The survey uncovered the key factors facing landlords and their thoughts onupcoming regulation and the future of the buy to let market. 

John Goodall, chief executive of Landbay, says: “Now that the election has been called, it is clear that landlords still need further reassurance from Labour about their plans forgovernment and their policy for the sector. 

“The UK needs a strong private rental sector that can support investment and has the ability to scale in order to provide housing to millions of households. 

“We therefore urge Sir Keir Starmer to make clear his plans on housing and how his party will recognise the critical role of landlords and the private rental sector in the UK’s housing mix.”

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  • icon

    So 17% of landlords are turkeys voting for Christmas in the form of Labour (12%) and Limp Dums (5%). Have they lost their minds?😂


    I suspect they have 🤷‍♂️


    I would suspect those that vote in that way are small time landlords, maybe they only have a small studio flat that is managed by an agent and they don't really see themselves as landlords or their income from rentals is minimal..


    By other’s standards, not mine nor yours, I am a small time landlord.😱
    I am old enough to remember the last few times Labour got their grubby little mitts on power. 😡 I shudder at the memory even now. 🤬

    That is why my vote is going to REFORM 👍

  • icon

    I want to see the manifestos before making any decision.
    So far Reform looks most attractive but haven't got much chance of getting any seats.
    At the last General Election the Labour policy for CGT was far better for long term landlords than the current system.
    The Golden Age of BTL was very firmly under a Labour government. Traditional taxation, taper relief on CGT, Section 21 and a court system that wasn't completely overwhelmed. If Labour could return us to that regime I would be very happy and I'm sure a lot of tenants would instantly be more secure.
    The Conservatives have been a total disaster for both landlords and tenants. They haven't been that good for homeowners either or anyone aspirational. The only real winners under the current government have been Benefit claimants.

    My vote isn't going to make any difference where I live. The Conservative candidate will be elected. Labour will trail in 3rd or 4th.


    If you want change, change your vote. You cannot guarantee that the conservative candidate will be elected. If everyone who wants to vote REFORM actually VOTED for REFORM, you might be pleasantly surprised and the conservative candidate, disappointed. 👍

  • George Dawes

    Puppet a or puppet b

    Sunak = wef globalist puppet

    Starmer = trilateral commission globalist puppet

    What a choice

    Oh and theres always Farage , the ex banker , who’s buddies with trump another globalist puppet, god help us all

  • icon

    Like most of us I am politically homeless!


    Same here, I will vote Monster Raving Looney or spoil my paper

    • A S
    • 29 May 2024 15:14 PM

    That's the only solution Christopher. Imagine 10 million votes counted to "spoilt ballot paper". That would drive change. None of the MPs would have a mandate to deliver the rubbish they do


    Spoiled papers would not change anything since it counts as noy voting.

    If you don't want to vote REFORM, then vote for an independent candidate, but VOTE.

    • A S
    • 29 May 2024 15:20 PM

    I agree with voting for an Independent. But if there isn't one available, spoilt ballot is the only way. Reform are part of the Uniparty also (see Richard Tice doing the rounds in Ukraine). They will also send our tax billions over there, and no doubt want to send our kids to fight over there on our behalf. But hey, they might be slightly more landlord friendly, so you might give them your vote.

    • A S
    • 29 May 2024 15:23 PM

    spoilt ballot papers get counted. Imagine if labour and conservatives got say 9 million votes between them and spoilt ballot papers got 10 million. The government of the day would have no legitimacy and any new government that follows would have to listen to the people. Carry on voting as you are and you get the same results (only in a different colour)


    Yes they are counted and then THROWN AWAY. If you think the politicians will listen to the number of spoiled papers, then I'll have some of what you are on. A spoiled vote is just a wasted vote.

    • A S
    • 29 May 2024 15:47 PM

    You can keep on voting for more of the same and expecting a different outcome if you wish AL. We'll have to agree to disagree.


    That's why I am voting REFORM. Keep chopping down those trees for your spoiled papers . . . LOL

  • icon

    I am voting Reform, I don’t expect them to gain any seats, and I don’t care. They are a pressure party, to ensure the current “ fake” Conservatives lose so badly, they will eventually re-form into the party of old.


    Been a Tory voter all my adult life, not now, it’s Reform for me. We will get a Labour Gov regardless, but I think voting is a matter of individual principle. I will not vote for socio/communist regimes be they Labour or indeed so called Conservatives!


    I do hope you are right on that one Simom, however the conserative party are far too arrogant to change

  • icon

    I'm voting Reform UK too Simon. I've also put up rent in one btl property because Labour may well go down rent freeze route to appease Generation Rent. My other properties are all on 12 month contracts so I can't until end of 12 months

  • Sarah Fox-Moore

    Voting nowadays is like choosing whether to be hanged or drowned.

    • A S
    • 29 May 2024 15:17 PM

    Spoilt ballot paper is the solution Sarah. Imagine 10 million votes logged as "spoilt ballot paper". None of the MPs would have a mandate to inflict their rubbish on us


    A S
    They would claim a mandate from those who voted. Spoiled papers just go for recyclyng.

  • icon

    Reform for me, Conservatives are a joke and Labour scare the hell out of me. I can’t bear to think of that non- descript Starmer and the bitter red head running the Country.

  • icon

    Reform for me

  • icon

    Labour has never done anything to benefit landlords. The Blair government just didn't do anything drastic to undo the reforms brought in by Margaret Thatcher.

    Matthew Pennycook and Angela Rayner are very left wing in their approach to housing - and far more keen to give tenants all the rights and power in a landlord-tenant relationship.

    Kier Starmer and Matthew Pennycook have consistently voted against reducing capital gains tax and making any other changes to lower capital gains tax. Labour could impose more tax on landlords arguing that rent is unearned income - landlords are a popular target for them.

    We all know that the Tory Renters Reform bill was completely anti-landlord.

    That leaves us with Reform who won't win any seats unless their support exceeds 20% - and if it does exceed 20% it will probably be at the expense of the Tories and therefore contribute to a Labour landslide.


    Perhaps the Tories just need to get kicked out for 5 years. Sort themselves out. Purge all of the lefties and go back to being Tory again.


    That is perhaps true, Nick, but what will happen in the intervening 5 years?

    Will all landlords have lost control of their properties by then?

    Once tenants have security of tenure they will retain it for their lifetimes probably.

  • icon

    I can not realistically vote for any of them at the moment.

    Conservatives have cut their own throat with the infighting in the party and the way they have Punished landlords.

    Labour will be a lot worse and see us all out of the door.

    There is no way I will vote for Reform, Farge is an idiot.

    I really can not justify voting for any of them.

  • Fed Up Landlord

    Following the election, when the swivel eyed lefty loons emerge Godzilla like from the marxist embryonic goo of what is the Labour Party, landlords will be incinerated out of existence by the fiery breath of the militant left.

    Fire hoses and asbestos underpants at the ready folks.

  • icon

    Maybe Angela Rayner can give us some tips on how to 'get around' CGT when it comes to properties? Seriously though: all both Cons and Labour want is to get all landlords on some kind of register (obviously paid for by landlords) with massive fines for none compliance so they can crack down on all the landlords presently operating under the radar.

  • icon

    It's Reform for me...all the way!#

  • icon

    Reform for me too. The Blues and Reds seem to think it is their right to run the country. Both parties have let us down time and again. Lib Dems have clearly failed the Post Masters with their current leader.
    Reform had a surprising surge in local elections, often coming in third and sometimes second.
    The only way to get change is to vote for it. If enough vote for Reform we may get a hung parliament which hopefully turn the head of our current Politicians!

  • icon

    Reform for me.


    Me too, although I hear Gibbo is going green. 😂😂😂


    Reform for me also. If the levels of support we’re all committing here turn into votes surely it’s going to leave its mark.

  • icon

    Angela, was cleared of the c/gains issue a false alarm I think to be fair, couldn’t be much c/gains on that as I understand it, The house was sold in 2015 for a miserable £137k approx.


    Not cleared - the police said it wasn't for them to investigate. both councils referred it to the other and HMRC refused to comment. The whole matter stinks since her formner neighbours now stand accused of lying.

  • icon

    80 Vicarage Road, sold 20th March 2015, £127’500.00.


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