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The election’s over - but did it even matter to landlords?

A survey by agency Foxtons suggests the election has had no substantial effect on landlords’ decisions to grow or sell portfolios. 

Conducted on the eve of the election, the survey gathered responses from over 1,000 landlords within Foxtons’ 28,000-strong portfolio.

According to the survey, nearly 59% of landlords believe a Labour victory would not influence their decision on whether to expand or sell their portfolios. 


This sentiment increases to 76% among those who expect a Conservative win. 

The survey also highlighted landlords’ perceptions of political party support for the private rented sector. 

Just 9% of respondents strongly believe the Conservative Party supports the PRS, with 28% slightly agreeing. 

Labour got an even more hostile reception with only 7% strongly agreeing and 14% slightly agreeing that the party supports the PRS. 

Some 63% of landlords are worried that legislation against market rents could negatively impact their personal finances; but 30% urged more social housing as key to cutting reliance on their properties by low-income and homeless households. 

And some 37% of landlords stated that policies towards private renting were very important in influencing their vote, with another 37% considering them just ‘somewhat important.’ 

Conversely, 15% viewed these policies as not very important, and 11% said they have no impact on their voting decisions.

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    Of course it matters 🤷‍♂️🫣 Labour will end us ☠️☠️


    Tories were well on their way to finishing us labour will just complete what was coming anyway

    Zoe S

    Labour for landlords is a disaster!

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    I’ve always more than looked after my customers i’ve done them below market value rents (from day one) to be competitive and always made sure every property is within the scope of regulation (EICR ECP & CP12 certification C0 & Smoke alarms) and freshly renovated on the day they move in and if they so much as sneeze the handy man is on there door step wiping their nose.

    Anyway less inflating my angel 😇 like ego 😁

    With an incoming labour government and former non CGT tax paying labour landlord Angela Rayner spitting all sorts of rhetoric out her mouth regarding the private rented sector and the labour government as whole showing disdain towards private landlords i shall be issuing section 13 rent increase notices and moving to a market rent business model.

    I don’t want to and it’s a sad day but the NRLA are missing in action and I could just imagine Ben Beadle being absolutely slaughtered & bullied in a debate with Angela Rayner & Co!


    The only thing I disagree with is regarding Angela Rayner - I don't believe she can hold her own in a debate with anyone!


    Danial - If you are thinking of moving into a business model ie a limited company a residential property tax cuts in above £500,000. You need to check the rules here. If you transfer the properties into a company it is treated as a taxable event and CGT applies. They already have you by the short and curlies! You may also be a bit late with your Section 13’s as Labour will institute an immediate rent freeze. Sorry to put a damper on things.


    Labour saying S21 will be abolished on day one was always a fantasy. None of them, including Sir Kneel, have any power until they are sworn in and, with the large numbers of new MPs, that cannot be achieved in one day.


    Annoys - I think they will do what they did when their was COVID and have an emergency eviction ban and rent freeze until new laws are passed. They will say we have a housing crisis to justify these measures.

  • George Dawes

    Boiling the frog

    Wef , Tri Lateral Commission , one day the sheep might wake up , sadly it will be too late

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    Most landlords have already sold up in expectation of what is to come!

    Zoe S

    Margaret, I so hope your predictions of emergency eviction ban and rent freezes from day one are wrong for all our sakes!


    We will find out in just over six hours. Remember Sir Kneel clocks off at 6pm on Fridays.


    Just a thought aboutb Sir Kneel and his 6pm Friday rule. I may be wide of the mark, but his wife is Jewish and I wonder if she follows the Jewish faith regarding the Sabbath on Friday and he supports her in her faith?


    I don’t think it’s anywhere near ‘most landlords have sold up’ but I do think there’s now going to be a rush to the door!
    Unfortunately it’s the reality of landlords leaving that may eventually bring the wake up call.

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    Annoying though it is, I feel we have to wait and see what they will actually do. Yes there are some with extreme views, but that doesn't mean they will make it onto the statute book. The country has a lot of other problems that need to be addressed, so they will have their work cut out. Immigration, the NHS, social care, cost of living, etc etc. Ultimately we can always sell up if need be, and for those properties with a mortgage, I can't see how they can block the owner from selling as this would breach basic legal rights.


    Worried - I hope you are right. They don’t care about our legal rights. In the future I can see Landlords taking out a class action if Corporates exempt and we are discriminated against.


    If they do anything to CGT though, it may be uneconomical for us to sell up.
    I am consulting with my accountant to try and find a way around it, but I am aware that there will be no easy fix.

    Zoe S

    Worried Landlord, hope your theory is correct. But listening to Rayner in her recent TV interviews, I don’t think she will be leaving PRS sector on the back burner, she made it known it was a priority for her to get on to it as soon as she was in power.


    They block owners selling in Scotland...


    I'm also playing the wait and see, however if I had been leveraged I would have been out long before the GE, we are in for a rough ride though, and so are tenants

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    My conscience is clear. I voted REFORM.

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    Annoyed - At least we have Nigel Farage and Richard Tice as MP’s. The Reform vote was a higher than expected percentage. Hopefully they will merge with the Tories and by the next election we have a proper Conservative party. We just have to survive until then.


    The problem is the rump of the conservative party are, themselves, split. Listening to them this morning, some want to follow Nigel and others want to go further left.
    I suspect that, in time, the Conservative Party may split with some MP's changing to REFORM and the remainder, rebranding under the Conservative banner.

    Fery  Lavassani

    If you think Nigel Farage will lay you double yolk eggs, then I must say, you are a dreamer. He is a politician like the rest of them. Opportunist, populist and a good spin master. Remember, Brexit, Brexit then immigration, immigration. Reform party will not last long. What happened to the UKIP, will happen to Reform, a party with no clear, or I better say, no mandate on housing, economics, the NHS. Stop the boats crossing the channel and everything will be just dandy. You believe that and you believe anything.

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    John. I believe you are correct if they raise C/gains they won’t get any revenue people will just sit on their hands and do nothing no transactions no cgt.

    • A S
    • 05 July 2024 11:06 AM

    Michael, if that happens and they raise no revenue, you can be sure that reform of council tax will follow where the council tax take will hike. I wouldn't put it past them to charge twice (once to the occupier and also a land tax of some kind to the legal owner). One thing is for sure, the tax take must be maintained/increased to pay for all the pride coloured road crossings and mandatory trans diversity officers in every SME

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    AS. The most unfair tax if 2 people live in the house like my wife & me we pay £2’800.00 pa, obviously for very little service, if 6 or 8 live in the house the C/tax is the same with over flowing bins, some pay nothing others get a big discount usually if they contribute nothing by take from the pot, several hundred pounds from each c/tax property goes to Mayor of London to act the clown not to our benefit. Poll tax would be better where everyone pays half and the other half on property but of Course the ones that never pay for anything goes marching and Government gives way to them.

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    No point in having a conscience when you are dealing with people that have no scruples. The election should be mandatory like Australia where 90% of the people vote not a fraction like here.
    I have 2 polling cards for the recycle bin.

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    I'm not impressed with the Dirty Dozen / Motley Crew being sworn in by Starmer this afternoon...


    Lammy as Foreigh Secretary? I hope Trump wins his election because then life gets interesting.


    Yes. Unfortunatley Reeves was expected. As was Darth Rayner. But Lammy as a minister????????


    Celebrity Mastermind, in 2009 I learnt Henry 7th suceeded Henry 8th....

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    MATTER- YES! It’s only been a day. Wait for the next 4 yrs and 364 days left. I fear a f Disaster coming at us down the track. With who knows what legislation etc.

  • George Dawes

    Lammy foreign minister who just happens to be a blinkered racist ironically married to a white woman he also has the intellect of a half eaten mars bar

    you couldnt make this up


    There is never ANYTHING half eaten near Lammy. 😂

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    Fery Lavassani. I read way you say but don’t have a comment on your views other than the NHS.
    The public in responsible for the unnecessary pressure and costs to NHS just because it’s free they abuse it, how many taxi booking do they have when they have family members with cars, how many prescriptions are wasted or binned, getting simple over the counter medications that don’t cost very much to buy but costs much more to NHS, sending tablets & pills over seas to their friends etc, in Eire generally you have to pay for everything no queue in any Surgery or Chemist.


    I have, for health reasons, regular appointments at my doctors’ surgery. They display the number of missed appointments each month and each month it is in high double digits. 😱
    When something is “free”, people tend not to value it.


    A L yes interesting point, maybe there should be an up front payment when making appointments with GPs, there is with my Dentist, I am lucky in so much as my GP practice was rated number 3 best in the UK and well deserved ( Hingham Norfolk, Dr Conway)

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    Exactly the NHS is wonderful and should be treasured not abused. Its success is in the hands of the public, should respect it, throwing money at it for ever is never going to work or be sustainable in the long run.


    Agreed throwing money at the NHS will only ever end up in the wrong pockets and achieve nothing, The NHS needs a major overhaul top to bottom and the dead wood needs throwing on the scrap heap


    I would put the DEI managerss at the top of the dead wood list. They cost thousands and do not contribute in any way to making patients feel better.


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