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Landlord event to provide advice about new tenancy agreements

With just over a month until a new form of private residential tenancy (PRT) will be introduced north of the border, replacing the existing assured tenancy regime for all future private sector tenancy lets, the Scottish Association of Landlords (SAL), in partnership with the Scottish government, will be holding an information event for Edinburgh and Lothians landlords tomorrow to help understand their new responsibilities.

The changes to the private sector tenancy, which according to the Scottish government is designed to improve security of tenure for tenants and provide appropriate safeguards for landlords, lenders and investors, will apply to all new tenancies starting on or after 1 December 2017.

PRT was created by the Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act, and will include limiting rent increases to just 1% a year with three months’ notice, giving local authorities the ability to impose rent controls in areas where there are ‘excessive’ increases in rent and modernising and streamlining the grounds under which a landlord can repossess residential property.


Attendees must register in advance by calling SAL on 0131 564 0100 or emailing info@scottishlandlords.com.

The event, which will take place tomorrow (Tuesday 24th October) at Queen Margaret University from 6pm until 8.30pm, is free to attend and open to anyone who lets out property.

A spokesperson for SAL said: “I am delighted that SAL is working in partnership with the Scottish Government to organise this event to provide information and advice to landlords in the Lothians prior to the new tenancy agreement coming in to force on 1 December this year.

“I hope as many landlords as possible will come along to learn more and ask questions as well as find out more about how SAL can help them overcome any issues they might face in the future.

“This is only the first step in what we hope will be a programme of activity working with a variety of partners in the public and charitable sectors to provide information to the public.  The new agreement will only be effective if it is clearly understood and effectively enforced to ensure responsible landlords can flourish whilst the tiny number of rogue players who exist can be driven out of the market.”

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    Another SNP disaster in the making...

    Acceptable to not pay rent for 3 months and good luck to all those who will suffer anti social behaviour as you will likely be moving yourself. Under these shambolic plans, victims will have to testify to see stand a chance of seeing their nuicence neighbours removed from the property. Everyone needs to understand that landlords have lost the ability to deal with anti social behaviour effectively. Its now in the hands of other to decide that fate.

    The door to investing in the PRS in Scotland is virtually closed.

    SAL working in partnership with Scottish Government???? If so they should be ashamed to put their name to these proposals. Did the Scottish government (SNP) not largely ignore the representations made by SAL?

    A more effective statement would have read.... SAL will be doing their best to help landlords through this challenging step change imposed on us by an out of touch Scottish Government.

    Troubling times ahead...


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