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Landlords' trade body sets out three key election ‘asks’

The National Residential Landlords Association has set out what it calls “three key asks” of the new government to protect and grow the private rented sector.

These are - “Rental reform that works for all”; A long-term stable housing strategy; and Provision of the homes that people need, where they need them.

On its website the association spells out what these mean:


Rental reform that works for all   - Removing Section 21 is something that the Conservatives and Labour have called for, for a number of years now.  We have been clear from the outset that this can only happen if there are workable possession grounds and a suitable timeframe for implementation. These also needs to be clarity about housing standards that work across all tenures, and that are implemented consistently across England and Wales. “

A long-term stable housing strategy  - Ambitious house-building pledges are one thing, but the NRLA wants to see the development of a 10-year housing strategy with clear achievable outcomes to support the creation of homes of all tenures to cope with increasing demand. This strategy would also encourage robust enforcement by local authorities to improve standards, using existing powers. It would also include proposals for a properly funded court services to ensure landlords and tenants are properly supported.”

Provision of the homes that people need, where they need them  - The PRS is the first port of call for new households, be that young people flying the nest, families moving into the UK, or couples setting up home together for the first time. It is also vital when it comes to labour mobility.”

The association adds that with the population predicted to grow by 10% over the next decade, it is clear demand for rental homes is only going to go up. particularly in towns and cities with robust job markets. 

It concludes: “For the sector to keep up with this demand it will need significant investment, which is why we will be calling on the government to remove stamp duty on additional homes and reintroduce mortgage interest relief to stimulate this growth.”  

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  • icon

    The government now, and the one to come, don’t care what they are saying 🤔🤔 it appears they have rolled over and are having their bellies tickled 🐶. All Labour will hear is that they support the removal of s21…….. they will ignore the court reform and stronger possession grounds. They DON’T represent millions of landlords. 🫣👎🏻🫣

  • Rob NorthWest-Landlord

    “For the sector to keep up with this demand it will need significant investment, which is why we will be calling on the government to remove stamp duty on additional homes and reintroduce mortgage interest relief to stimulate this growth.” 

    And a landlord named Rob, from the North-West, calls for the stamp duty and surcharge abolition to include retrospective refunds.

    Unfortunately he will also be ignored.

  • icon

    Well it's a bit better than just going along with the RRB proposals. If it was financially viable then some of us might put up with some of the other nonsense, providing we can get our properties back when we need to.

  • icon

    Getting our properties back is the core issue and this must be recognised. The Corporates are not concerned by the removal of Section 21 as their business is a different model.
    The Lib Dems default position is three year tenancies and unless I see that in place I shall systematically sell off. Unlike France we have higher maintenance laws so with sitting tenants, cumbersome EPC requirements the PRS will continue to decline.

  • icon

    It amazing how many landlords are getting huge fines and all appeals rejected as expected ask my brother am I a rogue. The landlords are not doing anything different to what they were doing before when they weren’t breaking
    the Law. The Law was changed to make what they were doing illegal and retroactively made them criminals over night in a Business they might never have entered into had those laws had existed, not part of their decision and outside their control.

  • icon

    You can ask for anything- BUT I can’t see us getting a dam thing. ESP from the Red Army

  • jeremy clarke

    Is it me or is there a lot of "brown nosing" going on at the moment? Trying to make sure that they are invited to the gov table does not necessarily translate to representing your members views!

  • icon

    The NRLA has been ‘Sat at the Gov table’ for the past decade eating stale crumbs
    and oozing gratitude whilst ‘rolling over’ on every critical issue facing the PRS.


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