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Activists send “warning” letter to Major Party Leaders

A letter from a coalition of pro-tenant groups has been sent to the leaders of the Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrat, Reform and Green parties giving them what the writers call a “warning”.

The Renters Reform Coalition claims it’s made up of “20 leading organisations” - in reality, these include the National Union of Students, the London Renters’ Union, a body called London Renters Rights, the Camden Federation of Private Tenants, the Greater Manchester Tenants Union, as well as larger bodies such as Shelter, Crisis and Generation Rent.

Its lengthy letter includes these statements: "As organisations representing and working with tens of thousands of private renters across the UK, we are warning the next government that the housing emergency is set to deepen unless major action is taken as part of a serious housing policy offer.


"This could be the last chance to fix our broken renting system before countless more renters face homelessness, poverty and exploitation."

The letter went on to claim that the "skyrocketing cost of housing" is fuelling a 49% rise in evictions with a record number of children now live in temporary accommodation.

"The reason for this crisis is an over-reliance on unregulated private landlords to meet the nation's housing needs" say the activists, adding that the government is effectively subsidising landlords by spending billions on housing support for people in private rented accommodation instead of building social housing.

The groups tell the leaders that the next government "must urgently prioritise the right to housing for its citizens over the profits of landlords" and adopt three measures:

- Abolishing no-fault evictions "in full and without loopholes", requiring landlords to sell a home with a sitting tenant if they wish to stay;

- Rent regulation so that no one should have to spend more than 30% of their income on rent;

- Ending Right to Buy and investing in a "huge public housebuilding programme" to deliver 3.1m council homes by 2044/

"We urge you to engage with these proposals and be bold in addressing one of the most urgent social crises Britain faces" the activists plead.

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  • icon

    So glad my tenants are not likely to ever be involved with these commies. No doubt they would like all landlords to just handover their properties to the Renters Collective.😠

    Rent regulation so nobody spends more than 30% of their income on rent? So what if a tenant loses their job and gets employment earning less money? Is the landlord supposed to then reduce the rent? Madness. 🤪


    The less landlords there are, the more desperate people will become and look to commies for answers.


    If they lose their job evict them


    Surely, if they were a good tenant, you would give them some time to find another job?

    Many years ago I received a call from a young guy who had been turned away by other agents and landlords. His problem was that he didn’t have a full-time job, he had three part-time ones. My thoughts were that if he lost one job, he still had two others paying him.

    He passed referencing and was an excellent tenant for many years. At one point he told me that one of the jobs had decided to reduce staff, so that afternoon, he went and found another job. 👍 This, at a time when many complained that there were no jobs around. He was the very definition of a worker.

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    Renters Reform Coalition claims it’s made up of “20 leading organisations”.

    Leading what? They’re a rag bag bunch of self-serving degenerates leading renters down a rabbitt hole.

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    Turkeys voting for Xmas

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    Can’t they read and comprehend that rents go up mainly because of all this extra red tape/ cost us PLLords are being made to pay for. So yes Libby the idiot leaders but tell em to reduce or abolish the redness. Then rents can stabilise or go down. ( pathetic pillocks. Could say exactly but it not let it print).

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    Isn't it about time the LANDLORDS sent a warning letter to the Government.....or will this be cited as 'blackmail' These inbelciles do not live in the real World!

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    Why would anyone run a business if they are not allowed to make a profit?! We live in a capitalist society at the moment thankfully. Have supermarkets got to provide cheap food without being able to make a profit? Energy companies to provide energy without profit?These are basics.Who is going to buy a property from a landlord with a sitting tenant if there are no more landlords? Can a landlord have charitable status?!! I am presuming if tenant becomes unemployed a landlord can only collect thirty percent of his unemployment benefit?


    The activists want to get rid of capitalism. They don't want there to be any profit on food, energy, housing etc. They don't believe in individuals owning property.

    Many in the Labour party have the same aim.

    The aim should be for tenants to have a good and fair deal, but that is not their aim. If it were, they would want to incentivize landlords, not destroy them.

    Where are the letters from the NRLA warning of the consequences of landlords withdrawing from the PRS with the loss of Section 21?

  • Sarah Fox-Moore

    Same old short sighted ignorant nonsense!!

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    Do these idiots ever give up 🧐

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    I'll send them a warning letter. Carry on bashing landlords and you'll find there is no PRS left, and you'll have a lot of extra people to house. Also you'll lose all the tax that we pay. So good luck with that.

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    As a matter of fact, I actually agree with one of their proposals - abolish 'right to buy'. Councils need more property but keep selling them off. Plugging that drain would make a significant start.


    The only sensible thing done by the SNP was to abolish right to buy in Scotland.

    Incidentally Nicola Sturgeon 's parents took advantage of it many years ago but not sure if they used the big discount to buy a camper van!

    Richard LeFrak

    Now Now Robert... !!

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    If rent is unaffordable then it's arbitrary to pick on landlords. If renters should not pay more than 30% of their income then why not force employers to pay more. It would be just as arbitrary and be just as unreasonable.


    Martin - Well said. That is the core of the matter!

  • George Dawes

    Warning !

    We will have to get out of bed and then youll be sorry ,

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    Here's a suggestion.

    Quick Google search says current average rent in the UK is £1,284, so over 2 years Generation rant tenants would save £30,816 if they move back in with their parents for 2 years. with average UK house price of £282,000

    This way they could save up enough money for a deposit and buy their own house and pay the interest on a mortgage to a bank and pay to maintain their own house, pay to replace their own gas boiler and deal with any mould that they cause.

    I'm sure that the government wont give 2 hoots when banks raise interest rates and the banks won't be sympathetic when they cant pay the mortgage and they repossess the house.

    Food in supermarkets is sky rocketing, Council tax bills are going up every year, cost of tradesmen is going up. mortgage interest has gone up. The cost of everything has gone up.
    But if a landlord increases rent to help cover costs they all blame the landlord and say that they can't afford to pay rent.


    Average 1284, I can see my rents still need to increase more


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